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Realm of Laurelorn Forest

Within the depths of Laurelorn Forest, the Eonir reign supreme. East of the river Demst, human settlers are allowed in strictly controlled amounts while in the west, called the Witch Forest by the folks of the Empire, no human may set foot, on penalty of death.



The politics of the Eonir are changing in the aftermath of the Storm of Chaos, with the kithbands largely having split into three factions;
Isolationists favor a retreat from the world. They argue that the problems of the world are not theirs and that no more eonir lives should be wasted in the defense of those who have never given anything in return.
Expantionists wants the elves to expand, to retake the lands that the races of men have been allowed to settle in. They see the hungry eyes of the Elector Counts set on Laurelorn and wants to dissuade them before the defeat of chaos makes them think they can defeat any enemy.
Diplomats are well aware of the sacrifices the Empire and Kislev made to keep the Storm of Chaos at bay and know that the Ruinous Powers will return. They want to establish more formal ties with the Empire and perhaps even aid them in rebuilding - The better to act as a shield for Laurelorn.

The Mists of Laurelorn

While the Asur of Ulthuan utilizes the waystones as a way to harness elven souls to stabilize the Great Vortex and the Asrai of Athel Loren uses them to make their souls one with their forest, the Eonir has their own use for the Waystones.
The Mistress of the Mists uses the souls of the dead to coax the Waystones to cloak the Eonir within a magical mist. The Mists of Laurelorn protects roving kithbands and permanent Eonir settlements, making sure no humans can find them, no matter how hard they try. When war descends on Laurelorn, the mists hide the warriors as they fire their arrows from within, giving rise to the rumors of ghost warriors spread by frightened soldiers.


The elves of Laurelorn Forest largely live on their own, in nomadic family groups called Kithbands. They do, however, have a sembling of royalty in the Queen's Council.
The Queen's Council consists of three honorable positions;
Mistress of the Mists: Riwanna - The Mistress of the Mists is responsible for the maintenance of the Waystones and the magical mists which envelop the secret homes of the Eonir. It is a position held by the most respected spell singer in the woods and is immensely important.
Herald of the Hunt: Dagonet The Herald of the Hunt is responsible for the physical defense of the realm. When war looms, he calls together the diaspora of Kithband Warriors and unites them into a single fighting force to drive out the enemies.
Mask of the Woods: Awallach - The Mask of the Woods is responsible for dealing with the outside world. He arranges trading deals, sends out diplomats and, when necessary, hosts foreign diplomats.


As with the Asrai, the Eonir does not distinguish between the gods of the Cadai and the Cytherai, the heaven and underworld, worshipping both equally. Unlike the Asrai, however, the elves of Laurelorn Forest places no special importance in Kurnos or Isha. Instead, they consider Sarriel, the God of Dreams, and Ladriel, the Lady of Mists, to be their patrons.

Foreign Relations

After the disappearance of Emperor Sigmar, the forest of Laurelorn was claimed by the Elector Counts of Drakwald, Middenland, and Westerland. However, the Wood Elves acknowledged no overlord and defeated all attempts to conquer them by force. Their most important victory occurred in 897 IC, when they overwhelmed the army of the Drakwalder Count, whom history remembers only as “the Unlucky.”
When Drakwald was absorbed by Middenland, their claims to Laurelorn also passed to that province.

  In the aftermath of the Storm of Chaos, Elector Count Theoderic Gausser of Nordland has been getting expansionist plans and the timber of Laurelorn Forest has become a tempting resource to claim for his coming war effort.

Trade & Transport

Most kithbands are nomadic, taking what they need from the forest and making only that which can be constructed without harming it.
Near the borders of the forests, more permanent settlements have been constructed, where trade with humans can be arranged. The elves have little need of anything the outsiders can manufacture, but the Mask of the Woods has instructed for trade to be performed to maintain connections.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations

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