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The Order of Lady Cassandora

To outsiders, the Order of Cassandora appears to be a small, insignificant cult within the Great Templar of Sigmar, a place where nobles can send unruly daughters to give them a pious re-education, that they may learn to accept their place in the grand scheme of things. While the clergy cleaves closely to this image, the truth within the walls is different. Those women given to the order are taught the tenets of the female gods of the Pantheon of the Old World: Shallya, Myrmidia, Rhya and Verena in particular. The women educated here tend to either stay within the cult or exit far more subtle and cunning, if no less unruly, than when they entered. At times, the order has been accused of various forms of heresy, with everything from witchcraft to sexual deviancy being thrown on their good name, but they have made it through each inquisition with their home intact. Lately, they have enjoyed the patronage of Arch Lector Johann Krauss, a powerful man within the Sigmarite Church. His protection came with a small price: That the Monastery took in the young Brunhilde, a seer tormented by visions.
Emilia Locht
Controlled Territories

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