Episode 10: The Prisoner & The Warden Report

General Summary

Prequel to The Enemy Within Episode 10 - “The Prisoner & The Warden” 11/16/2019 Post-Game Notes   Day 11 (14th day overall; eighth day on the job Backertag, 32 Vorgheim   Crew comes down from their room at the Red Moon Inn, and into the taproom, around 7:00 PM
  • RMI is busier and rowdier than usual; sausage is on the menu
  • Johann tells party that two dwarves came by yesterday with a message for them -- something about an ambushed delivery
  • The wraith gets involved with a table of four drunks playing Burgher’s Bottom, smashing an empty tankard into one drinker’s head, starting a bar brawl
  • Beau tries to calm the fighting verbally, but to no avail; PC’s quickly mix it up in order to calm shit down
  • Beau knocks out two brawlers with a smashed chair; Kris half-nelsons another; Karl draws attention and nimbly dodges a few blows; Godabert tries talking to a drunk and gets punched in the face. Soon everything quiets down, and Beau throws the purse off one of the KO’d mooks onto the bar to buy everyone a round of drinks.
  • Slow clap of appreciation from a newcomer: Ilse Fassenwütend, the scarred cougar-y Road Warden sergeant. She quickly and brusquely tells the party that she’s been looking for them, and has a proposition to get them off the Watch. Meet her later tonight at the Exploding Pig for details.
At The Pig, in the Merchant Quarter
  • Gossip:
  • rivers even close to Ubersreik are unsafe; pirates attacked a half-day upriver!
  • Chaos cultists massacred guests at an inn outside of town; maybe the lockdown is helping?
  • Ilse wants to engage the PC’s to help escort a prisoner to the execution block the day after tomorrow. Holger Maurer, gifted stonemason, was accused, tried, and convicted of mass murder, including two watchmen and five county wardens. First two executions were called off due to “acts of the gods” and all the local constabulary are convinced he’s cursed; prior escorts have all disappeared. Ilse doesn’t trust typical channels to help her ensure that this evil man gets his head cleaved.
  • Crew is down; Beau gets a bottle of Kemperbad brandy to celebrate
  • Kris and Karl befriend some ladies and the Crew forms a six-man dwile flonking team in the loft. They dominate. On to the next pub!
Crooked Hammer
  • Schotts of schnapps! This is their night off, after all. And… if things go well… no more watch!
  • Godabert starts running down a list of questions with Gert like he’s having a job interview:
  • Pays for an introduction to a lock-picking tutor. Meet back in a few days.
  • Gets some intel on Einauge Spaltmann (that merc isn’t welcome around here, and hasn’t been seen in a long while
  • Holger Maurer (extremely talented stonemason… but also either crazy or evil; killed a lot of people)
  • You’ve got a friend in the Crosses! And off to the next pub..! (after dropping God off at the RMI; that fool is drunnbhk.)
Axe & Hammer
  • Murmurs of admiration among the dwarves for the troll-slaying Crew
  • Borbor and Mulgad -- the dwarven engineers -- have bad news. Both explosives had been completed, and Grodni instructed them not to charge the balance due as a thank you. But en route to the RMI with a cart borrowed from Borgun’s Brewery, they were waylaid by furry little beastmen who clubbed them and stole the cart.
  • Crew investigates the scene of the crime and the delivery route; looks like the “beastmen” brought the cart back towards the Dawihafen.
  • Beau discovers a crude beastman mask. Could this have been the Lowhavens? Other dwarves?
  Day 12 (15th overall; ninth on the job Bezahltag, 33 Vorgeheim   Check in at The Precinct in the morning
  • PC’s come clean (sort of) with Andrea regarding their mission: Frau Stampf heard tell of a mutant cult at an inn; Crew investigated and added to their heroic résumé.
  • Andrea gives them a little background on the Maurer execution: before her time, but looks like Captain Lenora Sendender was in charge. She left the Watch right after the second failed execution. But if Sgt. Fassenwütend is in charge now, then third time is the charm. She’s determined. No idea who will take on escort duty; most of the Watch and Altdorfers too superstitious and scared to take up the task.
  • Crew given leave to oversee rounds on their own.
Morning beat: shakedowns, investigations, and bribery. Crew runs around the docks dropping (lots of) coin trying to get some useful information.
  • Raspy Raven - nothing
  • Kat House - Beau bangs Eloisa, but no useful intel
  • Robbery site - nothing
  • Dockers’ Arms - nothing
  • Northwest Teubrucke (looking for Dimzad) - nothing
  • Boatsman’s Guild - told to seek out Maurer’s fiance, Kristyn Gebauer, in the Marktplatz
  • Crooked Hammer - told that Sendener left the Watch to join the river wardens… but she happens to be back in town, and staying at Rugger’s Boarding House
After beat, meet Ilse at The Pig to review the plan:
  • Tomorrow (Geheimnistag - “Day of Mystery” - what could go wrong?) before dawn, they will lead Holger from the South Central Watch Station, along the river, over the bridge, west to the river gate, and northwest to Morr’s Field.
Crew heads to Marktplatz to seek out Gebauer
  • She trusts them and tells them that Holger is innocent. Yes he did kill all those men, but they were evil… trying to get Holger to do terrible things. Things he didn’t discuss with her. But Holger is a good man.
  • Says she’d been praying to Verena daily for divine help
  • Gives Kris a saw, chisel, and stone hammer during the conversation as cover
  • She gives them a lock of her hair, tied with lace, as a token to show Holger
To Rugger’s Boarding House to talk to Sendener
  • Wants nothing to do with that man (“Demon in human form.”) Knows Ilse by reputation and believes she’ll see this through.
  • Tells the PC’s to walk away. All accusers save one -- a butcher named Narbe Ditwin -- are dead. Ditwin recently survived a fire (the one the Crew helped extinguish, and which seemed to have been set by mysterious masked figures).
  • She takes a fancy for Godabert. That skinny lad has a way of attracting more mature women.
Recon at Fleischmann’s Butcher Shop -- still in ruins. Neighbor says Fleischmann has been around surveying the damage, but no sight of Ditwin since the incident.   Back to Marktplatz to talk to Osanna. Legal fees for one shilling (she likes them).
  • Confirms that Ilse should have the pull to get Crew’s sentence commuted
  • Prepares a contract for Ilse to sign before the escort affirming the deal
Tun Lowhaven stops the PC’s: he knows who has their missing cargo! Offers location… for a price. Silverbeard’s gang has them, locked up in their dwellings in old Harataken holdings in the Khazalgirt.   To the Artisans’ Quarter to talk to Christophe. He and Sir Pierre are in the process of packing up horses.
  • Christophe headed to Altdorf: things are happening and suspicions have been aroused. Needs to make sure that the murderer doesn’t have some or all of The Deck of Many Things.
  • Spellbooks are in protective custody (he won’t say with whom)
  • He’ll send word if he needs them in Altdorf (hopefully they’ll be excused from the Watch by then).
  • Lena is staying in town; she’d simply love to have dinner with them some time
  • Rewards them with:
  • Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper
  • Curated selection of six vials of poison
  • News that he spoke to Sister Celestine of the Temple of Shallya about them
  • News that he spoke to Karsten Rugger about Kris’s status at Boatsman’s Guild
  • 20 GC
PC’s make a show of night beat, but then retire early. Karl borrows a handaxe from Franz. A few hours sleep before a 4:00 AM wake up call for some pre-escort route recon.   Day 13 (16th overall; 10th on the job) - Geheimnistag   The pre-dawn darkness is creepy AF. Thick fog everywhere, and Morrslieb is full and fat and green. Fog swallows up any sound of footfall.   Crew scouts out the route within the city walls, making note of possible ambush locations   Back to the Watch Station: Ilse is waiting with Holger and two terrified Altdorf soldiers (they run off as soon as they are excused). She signs the contract and then... Let’s get started!   Godabert uses his powers of cougar allure to distract Ilse while Kris and Karl give Kristyn’s token to Holger and tell him to trust them. Holger seems sincere in his position that he killed evil men in self-defense.   Reach the bridge: fog clears up slightly to see skeletal dead fish with glowing eye sockets swimming in the viscous sludge of the Teufel. Swinging corpses of Jungfreud supporters come to life, clawing at their nooses. A pseudopod snakes out of river and snatches a lone fisherman. Ilse: it’s fine. Keep going.   End of the bridge, at one of the predetermined ambush locations: fog congeals on all four sides and a booming voice calls out. “You belong with us, Brother Holger!” The mutants attack.   Eight mutants in all, two on each side of the platz.
  • Big bronze-skinned fucker with corrosive blood
  • Toad Man
  • Insect face
  • Transparent-skin guy
  • Shiny, scaly guy
  • Mutant with goat feet
  • Narbe Ditwin
  • Beaked face
Karl the only one taken off-guard; Beau heroically pushes in front of him to protect him and is immediately attacked by the bronze-skinned leader   Ilse shoots Toad Man, and then has to dodge a stream of toxic fish guts and sewage   Crew fights bravely, but they are outnumbered and flanked all around. Beau is injured badly and is knocked to the ground   Seconds later, Godabert is dropped as well   Things seem grim, and all Holger can do to help is stare intently at various mutants   Figuring things can’t get much worse, Kris drains the stinky potion found three nights ago at the Hooded Man: Potion of Strength! He charges in to face the bronze acid-bleeder. Beau digs deep and somehow finds the resolve to right himself and rejoin the fray. Godabert, despite being surrounded, likewise finds the inner strength to get up and defend himself.   Once the leader goes down, thanks to a flurry of blows from Kris and Beau (careful to avoid the injurious blood), the other mutants succumb in rapid succession.   Ilse grabs Holger and insists that the Crew hurries with her to Morr’s Field to complete the execution. Crew makes an impassioned plea on Holger’s behalf, the gist of which is that the horrible mutants are trying to abduct him… Maybe there’s some truth to his story…   It works. Ilse unlocks his manacles. Holger is beside himself with gratitude. He whispers to Kris to get a message to Kristyn: meet him in Auerswald. He runs off into the fog. Dun dun DUNNN!   Interlude:   “I shouldn’t be surprised by any of this.” Captain Pfeiffer places the document she had been studying back on her desk very gently, and considers it for a moment before continuing.   “Neither the fact that our city played host to another brazen attack by mutant cultists, despite our best efforts to tighten up security…” She gives the document a quick flick from her fingers and it slides to the edge of the desktop, the ink from her signature still wet and shiny. “Nor the fact that we’re recognizing your two-week engagement as service above and beyond the call of duty.”   Andrea reaches into her desk drawer and pulls out a metal lockbox. She silently counts out twelve shillings for each member of the party, pushing the piles to their recipients when she’s done.   “Your final wages. And you can leave those Watch aprons here with me. So, tell me… what’s next for the four of you? You’re probably not planning on hanging around Ubersreik longer than you have to, I’d imagine.”   “By Ulric’s arse, you’ve got that right.” Beau doesn’t even try to mutter under his breath.   “Of course we understand that you probably have some things to follow up on.” Godabert is sitting on the edge of his chair, gesturing with open hands. “And we’re happy to remain in town for a certain amount of time…”   “Godabert…” Kris drops his head in his hands.   The smiling mystic continues. “I’m sure the Sigmarite priests will have questions as well. We’ll be at the Red Moon Inn--”   Karl leans his head back and laughs.   “-- on the south side of the river. Feel free to leave a message with Franz or Johann if we’re indisposed.” Godabert is gleefully aware that the other four people in the room are all staring at him with a mixture of confusion and amusement.   “Uh, yes. Thank you Mr. Tougan… That’s very generous of you.” Captain Pfeiffer starts to get up from her seat.   “But before we leave, I was wondering.” Godabert says, unperturbed. “Since we are offering you our continued, um, consulting services… at no charge, I might add…” Beau’s confusion immediately transforms to disgust, but Godabert continues. “I was hoping that we might still be eligible to use some of the Precinct’s amenities? Both Beau and myself would greatly benefit from a trip to the staff doctor. And, well, I need new pants.”   * * *   Beau and Godabert, after leaving the doctor’s building in the Precinct, walk along the docks to join their companions at The Raspy Raven (“For old times sake,” explained Kris).   Godabert, clutching the tattered leather strips of his pants, feels a bit self-conscious, but any embarrassment is overshadowed by an overwhelming sense of relief and rejuvenation. Captain Pfeiffer allowed the duo one last doctor visit, but stopped short of extending any other privileges within the Precinct, including access to Reineger’s Outfitters. When they walked past the great iron gates that cordon off the district from the rest of Ubersreik, Godabert commented to Beau, “I suppose we’ll only ever walk back through there in chains.”   “You’re not fortune-telling, are you?” Beau asked as they continued down the strasse.   “Just an observation.”   The duo join their companions at a table in the Raven at half-past one in the afternoon. Kris and Karl are deep in their mugs, and they seem to have splurged on a luncheon feast fit for a Lowhaven.   “Happy Geheimnistag my friends!” Karl places two fresh steins of ale in front of Beau and God and then raises his own glass, just as a serving wench arrives with two platters of kraut, beans, and sweetmeats.   “The only mystery today,” Kris chimes in, “is how drunk are we going to be by Geheimnisnacht!”   Godabert pauses after a sip of his beer. “Well, but we do have some things to take care of today. We need to follow up on…”   “Gods, God. Shut up and drink.” Beau raises his glass. “To Rudi! No fucking man could have made better trollbait!”   * * *        

Rewards Granted

  • 10 for ably quelling a barfight
  • 5 for winning dwile flonking
  • 30 for killing the mutant cultists
  • 50 for saving Holger’s life
  • 25 for securing freedom from the Watch
  • 50 for a sweet session and reaching the climax of the introductory scenario
  • 50 for achieving Party Ambition of freeing themselves of the Watch
  • 5 for in-character showcase moments:
  • Godabert for Ranaldian shmoozing
  • Karl for assuming everyone is lying and sticking to his trust-no-one maxim
  • Beau for banging a hooker under the pretense of Watch business investigation
  • Karl for playing the wild card, saying fuck it, and downing the mysterious potion in time to turn the tide in the climactic battle
  • Godabert: 225
  • Beau: 225
  • Karl: 225
  • Kris: 225
  • Hand saw
  • Chisel and stone hammer
  • Amulet of Thrice-Blessed Copper
  • Six vials of poison (single dose each; unidentified)
  • 20 GC (payment from Christophe)
  • 48 shillings (see below
  • - 4 Watch aprons (see below)

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and NPC’s engaged:   Exploding Pig
  • Ilse Fassenwütend, Road Warden Sergeant
  • Lioba, clerk for legal office in town
  • Charlotte, works in family’s import business in town
Axe & Hammer
  • Borbor Fimrunsson, dwarven engineer
  • Mulgad Ingotgrip, dwarven engineer (met both previously)
South Central Watch Station
  • Holger Maurer, stonemason (sentenced to death)
  • Kristyn Gebauer, tool merchant (fiance to Maurer)
Rugger’s Boarding House
  • Lenora Sendener, River Warden Captain
The Kat House
  • Eloise, strumpet
The Dockers’ Arms
The Enemy Within
Report Date
02 May 2023


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