Episode 24: The Autumn Schaffenfest Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Shadows Over Bogenhafen Episode 24 - “The Autumn Schaffenfest” 8/13/21 Post-Game Notes   Day 82 - Mitterherbst, 2512 IC   The crew of The Berebeli pulls into Bogenhafen and docks at Haagen’s wharf. Josef continues to talk their ears off about all things Bogenhafen-y.
  • Josef: heading downriver after the festival to Weissbruck and then, probably Altdorf. HMU if you want to join the crew again.
  • Crew is paid for their labor, plus an additional two days (26/- apiece).
Crew bids adieu to their river-bound life (for the time being), and is rewarded with fresh abilities.
  • Godabert, thanks to training with Gilda (and a never-ending supply of patients), buys the Healing skill (Training endeavor).
  • Kris, thanks to training with Josef (and a constantly dinged-up Berebeli), buys the Trade: Boatbuilding skill (Training endeavor).
  • Beau kept his weapon arm limber on the journey and has unlocked the Combat Training endeavor for the next three days of being in Bogenhafen.
  • Karl played with his rapier nonstop (and practiced fencing once in a while), unlocking the Combat Training endeavor for the next three days of being in Bogenhafen.
Crew takes their luggage and heads to the Teuerberg to inquire about lodging at the Journey’s End. Leisurely tour through town, includes an in-depth look at the various temples along the Gottenplatz.
  • Shallyan Temple: meet initiate Ermengardis Ragnier, part of the Congress of the Doves. She explains that Mother Rubinstein is tending to the poor at the Shallyan Mercyhouse on the north side of the river (“The Pit”), but will be back just after sundown. Crew to return.
  • Temple to Old Bogenauer: Crew learns a little about this regional god from Josef, and Kris, in particular, admires the statue of the merchant-boatman deity. He offers up his mop, leaving it at the altar.
  • Temple of Verena: meet Ilario Grigoli, initiate and librarian. Beau shows off his ability to read, and files a mental note that this is the place to research information about the town and its environs.
  • Observe several other temples from outside: the massive High Temple of Sigmar; the fortress-like, yet somewhat small, Temple to Ulric; an unidentifiable temple bearing a golden disc over the main archway; an unidentifiable temple boasting a statue of a warrior-maiden.
Crew arrives at the Journey’s End in the Teuerberg and checks in with the landlady, Odelina Landau.
  • Crew secures a single room, four beds.
  • Letter from Gustav arrived for them, asking to meet up in a few weeks in Altdorf regarding the Deck of Many Things quest. He also has additional words of reference for Mother Rubinstein.
  • Although taproom is relatively quiet, with most patrons at the fair, there is some commotion regarding a chalkboard behind the bar with an eight-team tournament bracket displayed.
  • It’s the Schaffenfest Middenball tournament! Apparently, after the violent events from the spring Schaffenfest tournament, the Town Council prohibited any teams from The Pit from participating.
  • The Journey’s End “Journeymen” have a first-round match against the halfling “Flonkers” from the Half-Measure Tavern. What luck! Sounds like a guaranteed win.
  • Crew meets barfly Alram Stosch who was just finishing up his brew and heading to the pitch. “Follow me!”
Crew walks through the East Gate and witnesses the massive festival: livestock pens, market stalls, and sideshows of every description. The throng is comprised of all races and all walks of life: dirty beggars, well-dressed artisans, brightly-clothed entertainers, somber watchmen, all interwoven with the general hubbub of people enjoying themselves.   As the Crew approaches the center of the fairgrounds, beyond which lie the middenball pitches, they come across the Festival Court & Stocks.
  • Beau recognizes the poor, disgusting dwarf locked up and on display for apparent vagrancy: Gottri Gurnisson, the dwarf they drank with at The Festival Rest en route to Altdorf last month. As soon as Gottri catches a glimmer of recognition, he begs the Crew to pay his fine and help him out.
  • At the same moment, a halfling dashes through the crowd, pushing through folks and scampering between legs. A trio of watchmen pursues and yells for help catching the diminutive fellow.
  • Godabert draws his bow and has every intention of murdering the rotten little bastard then and there… until the calm light of reason shines on the dark blot of enmity in his soul. He lowers his weapon.
  • Kris darts through the crowd and, in an astounding display of athleticism and cat-like reflexes (presaging a similar display on the morrow), catches and promptly entangles the halfling.
  • “Innocent” Lowhaven implores Kris to let him go, offering a bribe of 6 -- no 8 -- shillings if they let him go. “Fuck no,” says Godabert. The duo lead the halfling back to the Festival Court.
  • Meanwhile, Gottri’s pathetic begging gets to Beau and Karl. They agree to pay the 2/- fine for the dwarf’s release.
Inside the court, the Crew meet Magistrate Heinz Richter.
  • Gottri is freed from the stocks.
  • Innocent Lowhaven prepares to stand trial for serving poisoned meat pies to a rival middenball team. Kris and Godabert receive a one-shilling reward for turning in the miscreant. “I will not forget, or forgive, your part in this, mate!”
Crew heads to the beer tent nearest to the middenball pitches.
  • Tent is abuzz with news from Altdorf: The Emperor has issued a new edict declaring that there are no Mutants in the Empire. The practice of exiling or slaughtering those unfortunate enough to carry some sort of physical deformity purely because of their appearance is henceforth illegal and punishable by death.
  • Beau throws some gas on the fire: Ever wonder why the emperor and his griffon, Deathclaw, aren’t ever seen at the same time? Some people say they’re the same creature..!
  • Other news, fresh off the pitch, is that half the Journeymen are shitting themselves in the middle of the match and the others are rolling around with intestinal cramps. Poisoned pies.
  • Crew meets Gurni Galazil, the official Journey’s End brewmaster and unofficial coach of the tavern’s middenball team. The Journeymen are still beating the cheating halflings 5-0, but he’s more concerned about tomorrow’s likely match against the “Wardens” of the Wolf’s Tail Tavern.
  • Not to worry, Gurni. Four subs, ready and willing!
Crew decides to roam the fairgrounds, beers in hand, taking in the sights, sounds, and smells.
  • Gottri, stinky and drunk, follows Beau & Karl around like a lost dog (until he’s finally fed a few pennies to save up for a drink).
  • Godabert ducks into a fortune teller’s tent, Mystic Megret, for a quick precognition.
  • Godabert’s sense: she’s legit
  • Fortune: “I see seven men, and two. One of the two will destroy the others, and many more besides.
Karl is approached by a beautiful, albeit irate, young woman. Beau prevents a sucker-slap.
  • It’s Roberta Roussel, the merchant’s daughter who Karl was working back in Ubersreik. She’s accompanied by her clerk, the smitten Norbert Scheerbart. Seems she’s a bit miffed about being misled regarding some crates of Kemberbad brandy and Karl’s subsequent disappearance from town.
  • Karl smooths things over with that signature Hungus charm.
  • He invites her to check out her man hitting the pitch on behalf of the Journeymen tomorrow morning… and then maybe a drink in the evening? She agrees.
Crew stops for another beer, chats up the locals a bit more (“Did you hear about Stust?” What about this mutant edict?”) before heading to the Gottenplatz for a date with a priestess.   Crew heads to the Temple of Shallya, where they meet Mother Rubinstein, just returned from her work across the river at the Mercyhouse, and her initiate, the burly Sister Bromein. Crew hands over the letter from Father Trauer, as well as the letter of recommendation from Gustav Weil.
  • Mother Rubinstein bestows the Shallya’s Tears blessing on God and Karl: bones healed!
  • Mother Rubinstein then prepares the more intensive Unblemished Innocence sacrament with all four, requiring, of course, that each Crewman shares his true name.
  • Godabert, much to the surprise of his pals, mumbles out, “Hildebrand Jagon.”
  • The sacrament is a massive success, thanks to an “unusual confluence of energies in the city these last few days.” Each Crewman is absolved of three Corruption Points.
  Day 83 - Angestag 1 Brauzeit, 2512 IC   After breakfast, Crew is offered some “mostly clean” middenball uniforms: leather armor and a simple mail coif (the only metal allowed on the pitch).   Despite no takers among the regular players, Beau and Karl pre-game with bumps of Ranald’s Delight.   Crew reviews the official rules, and they head out to the pitch to face the notoriously brutish Wardens of the Wolf’s Tail.   The first half is close, with violent injuries exchanged on both sides.
  • Beau, hopped up like a demon, spends much of the first half looking for opposing players to fight.
  • Karl, likewise hopped up, spends much of the first half getting knocked on his ass.
  • Roberta, in the stands, looks disappointed.
  • Godabert, sans any kind of stimulant, nonetheless has similar difficulties finding separation or coming within ten yards of the ball.
  • No score at the end of the first half.
The second half is a different story.
  • Early in the first half, one of the Journeymen squirts free and, thanks to Kris’s agile playmaking ability, scores a goal!
  • After one of the Journeymen is injured so badly that he is removed from the game (forcing the team to play short-handed), Beau beats the tar out of not one, but two Wardens.
  • Karl, delightfully inspired, slips through the entire defensive wall of Wardens and positions himself in front of the goal.
  • Kris steals the ball and dribbles to the Warden’s midfield; marked by two opposing players, he fires a pass to Karl.
  • Karl catches, dropkicks, and… gooooooaaaal!
  • Journeymen win, 2-0. Tomorrow they face the Stevedores in the finals.
  Interlude:   The Crew steps off the pitch after the final whistle and is greeted by a chorus of adoring cheers from the stands. Even non-aligned fans appreciate the ferocity and athleticism that the Journeymen’s newest recruits displayed in that fiery second half of play.   “Did you see the way that big bloke mauled them Wardens? It was like his fists were little maces!”   “What about the way the short chap cut through the defense? He carved ‘em up, he did! Like a wee butcher!” “Hey, I helped.” Kris looks around for some extra adulation. “Assisted on both goals? Hello?”   Karl pushes past his teammates, brushing aside hands extended in congratulatory fashion, and steps coolly over two fellow players who are writhing in agony in the mud. He makes his way to the edge of the pitch, where Roberta stands waiting, arms crossed, suppressing a slight grin.   “So, what’d y’think?” Karl wipes a bit of sweat off his brow and stares off into the middle distance. “Catch that last goal?”   “I suppose I did.” Roberta straightens up. “You were eating so much dirt in that first half, you know… I had half a mind to leave. It was hard to watch. But… I’m glad I stayed.”   “Ah, my dear Roberta. I see you know very little about the fine points of middenball.” Karl’s turn to straighten up. “Feints and misdirection. Just part of the gameplan until I could unleash my full attack. Where’s Norbert?”   “He got in a bit of a tussle in the stands, I’m afraid.” Roberta looks off towards the city gate. “I sent him back to the inn to deal with a bloody nose.”   “You’re not leaving the festival as well, are you? Give me and my friends some time to change out of these uniforms, and we would be happy to accompany you…”   Roberta slips her arm into Karl’s. “Oh. But you can leave it on for a bit, can’t you?”   “Well maybe HE can.” Godabert, who hears all, chimes in. “But my uniform still smells like the last guy’s poop. I’d like to change. What about you guys?”   * * *  

Rewards Granted

  • 40 for a joyous return to in-person gaming
  • 10 for catching and turning in Innocent Lowhaven (Kris)
  • 5 for not killing Innocent Lowhaven (Godabert)
  • 10 for freeing Gottri (Beau & Karl)
  • 5 for having fortune told by Megret (Godabert)
  • 10 for uncovering key rumors (and insinuating others)
  • 10 for making connections with the Shallyan temple and receiving a sacrament
  • 30 for helping the Journeymen win their second-round match against the Wardens
  • Godabert: 100
  • Beau: 100
  • Karl: 100
  • Kris: 100
  • 26/- apiece from Josef

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:
  • Ermengardis Ragnier, Congresswoman of the Doves
  • Ilario Grigoli, Verenan librarian
  • Odelina Landau, proprietor of the Journey’s End
  • Alram Stosch, Journey’s End regular
  • Innocent Lowhaven, guilty halfling
  • Gottri Gurnisson, dwarf vagrant
  • Heinz Richter, Bogenhafen Magistrate
  • Gurni Galazil, Journey’s End brewmaster
  • Mystic Megret, fortune-teller
  • Roberta Roussel, Karl’s old flame and fledgling merchant
  • Norbert Scheerbart, her clerk
  • Mother Rubinstein, vested Shallyan
  • Sister Bromein, Shallyan initiate
The Enemy Within
Report Date
02 May 2023


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