Episode 28: I See Seven Men, and Two Report

General Summary

The Enemy Within: Enemy in Shadows Episode 28 - “I See Seven Men, and Two” 5/16/22 Post-Game Notes   Day 84 - Festag 2 Brauzeit, 2512 IC   Picks up at an early dinner at The Golden Trout, guests of Conrad von Bruner.
  • Dominic Flintzer
    , manager of the club, offers up a special trio of dishes created to pair with a quantity of traumpilz (aka, “garrulous fungus”):
  • Everyone chooses one of the specialty dishes, including shaved traumpilz, except for Magirius (“have a work meeting after dinner”) and Godabert.
  • The psychedelic truffle unlocks evocative memories, and each diner shares a precious memory, except for Kaja and Esmeralda, who are too stoned to speak.
  • Karl recalls growing up as an orphan in Kemperbad, and watching one of his fellow orphans disappear off the streets one day;
  • Kris reflects on the day he was stranded on an island in the Reik with ol’ Sam, and he can still hear that forlorn harmonica;
  • Beau remembers his meal at the Bridgeport Inn after dedicating his life to bounty hunting and adventure, and then blowing a load in his pants before getting busy with Charlotte of the Kat House.
  • Karl, Kris, and Beau feel a sharpness to their thoughts, senses, and awareness after the meal (+10 initiative for d4 hours).
Meanwhile, God, who noticed the mischievous Sieger dropping traumpilz flakes onto Magirius’s pie, encourages the guildmaster to open up about his life experiences, and his connection to this “secret organization.”
  • Reveals the shame of his solitary existence, living alone in big townhouse with his servant, Klaus. Wife and daughter abandoned him over a year ago. He drove them away, spending more time working than with them.
  • Insists that the Ordo Septenarius, founded by Johannes Teugen and his cousin Gideon two years ago, is a benevolent association for the betterment of Bogenhafen. They have many charitable endeavors, but secrecy is paramount to avoid accusations of collusion or political maneuvering.
  • Definitely seems sincere, although he isn’t telling the whole story.
After dinner, Conrad offers the Crew a letter of invitation to attend his cousins’ social event at the Kleinwald Manor. He also gives Godabert a spare set of clothes because, blessed Sigmar, you look like a bum.   As they walk back to the Journey’s End, Crew discusses next steps, and what to do, if anything, about this inner council meeting happening at Teugen’s house.   Rounding a corner, they are surrounded by nine scruffily attired thugs wielding makeshift weapons and daggers. The leader delivers a message:
  • “Keep your noses out of what don’t concern you, or you might wake up one morning at the bottom of the river.”
  • Crew notices they all wear pendants with rope-and-pulley emblems (Karl & Kris: stevedores).
  • Thugs start to clear away, but Godabert wants them to hang out and chat. One of them spits in God’s direction.
  • Beau throws a rock at one of the thugs, narrowly missing one’s shoulder, while marble-mouthing a challenge. The targeted thug makes towards Beau, but is dissuaded by a fellow stevedore, and they retreat into the dusk. “Rass rai! Rruu rettah ruh!”
Very festive evening back at the Journey’s End. The taproom is full, and patrons are enjoying the last night of Schaffenfest.
  • Journeymen lost the Middenball finals to the Teamsters, but it was a good match.
  • Sir Pierre is dressed in his finest clothes, and wants to talk about the day’s jousting and grand melee. Turns out he’s headed to the same party that the Crew has been invited to. Care to mix business with pleasure? Always, mes amis!
  • Roberta has been waiting for Karl; she’s thrilled to have an invitation to the Kleinwald Social.
The six partygoers approach the Adel Ring just after sunset, and the streets and paths are busy with young rakes, earnest lovers, and drunken tourists. One of them grabs God by the sleeve and points to the sky, asking for confirmation that Morrslieb does indeed look to be smiling.
  • Godabert confirms that not only is the moon larger than it should be this time of year, but it’s positioned somewhat unnaturally in the night sky. And, yes, it does look like a smiling face…
Crew gains access into the Ring after showing the Watch their party invitation and quickly starts scoping out the massive Teugen grounds. Sir Pierre offers to accompany Roberta to the party so that the Crew can continue staking out the council meeting.
  • Teugen’s heavily guarded manor sits behind its own set of 15 ft-high stone walls topped with iron spikes. One path is manned by two guards and a valet, while deeper within the walls patrols at least one guard with leashed Telland hounds.
  • Franz Steinhager arrives, with two bodyguards, carrying a small parcel. They are welcomed towards the house by the valet.
  • Friedrich Magirius arrives soon after, notices the Crew, and makes brief small talk. He’s also clutching a parcel and is likewise in the company of bodyguards. Says he’ll try to meet up with them at the Kleinwald party after his meeting.
  • Kris tries to make a drunken move towards Friedrich, ostensibly to get closer to the parcel, but is rebuffed by the guards.
  • Crew moves along after getting a stare-down by the Teugen guards.
  • One more guest arrives, and the guards close and lock the front gates.
  • Crew is determined to spy on this meeting, and they brainstorm a number of ideas, including retrieving Kris’s grappling hook to gain entrance over the walls, or exploring a possible sewer entrance into the compound.
Then, in a burst of divine inspiration, Godabert remembers his potion of mirkride, gifted to him a few months back by Alexander Grun.
  • Positioned along the southwest wall, Beau, Kris, and Karl prepare to guard God’s body as the mystic gets ready to go ghostform.
  • Godabert downs the viscous potion and slowly sloughs off his body as if doffing a cloak. He gains his bearing after a minute or so and, focusing his will into maintaining and moving this form, he passes through the wall and heads for the main house.
  • God sees multiple guards, most with hounds, patrolling the grounds. Within the house, moving towards the main entrance via servants’ rooms, he witnesses multiple guards, bearing various livery, and at least a half-dozen servants.
  • He moves towards large double doors at the top of a grand staircase. On the other side, in an ornate study, Teugen is conducting the meeting of the inner council of the Ordo Septenarius.
  • Seven figures are hooded and enrobed in red, wearing emblems of a seven-pointed star and an animal head. Teugen wears the robe, but is unhooded. Standing next to Teugen is a tall, slim, impeccably dressed man who God assumes is the cousin, Gideon.
  • God focuses his attention on Teugen to ascertain what he is saying. While doing so, Gideon lurches his head in God’s direction, as if he senses him. Gideon’s eyes search for God, but the mystic “dodges” the gaze. Gideon takes a few wary steps back.
  • Johannes Teugen explains to the council members that the hidden temple has been discovered and abandoned. But the ritual will continue as planned, tomorrow night, before midnight. They are preparing a new temple at a new location, which will be revealed to them tomorrow. He reassures the assemblage that their dreams of wealth will be realized soon, and makes the point that “this sacrifice is necessary…”
  • Godabert is pulled back into his body and debriefs the Crew. They decide to mingle at the party for a bit before proceeding.
  Interlude:   “Ah yes, our new friend Karl Hungus!” Sieger claps a hand on Karl’s shoulder and the ersatz brandy merchant shakes hands with Binge Narbovski and kisses the outstretched hand of Countess Rille von Kaltenwald. “Karl joined us for that exquisite meal at the Trout. He’s also from Ubersreik, you know.”   “How are you feeling Kaja?” Karl winks at Sieger’s partner who can do little more than smile and nod, her head still clouded with memories and emotions. “The chefs there work wonders, indeed. The shaved traumpilz paired marvelously with my pickled dabfish.”   The Lady von Kaltenwald wears a frown. “I never developed the taste, I’m afraid. A troublesome experience some years ago at The Pegasus Arms.” Kaja starts to giggle, then claps a hand over her mouth.   “I’m afraid the countess is in a bit of a sour mood this evening, dear Karl,” Sieger explains. “It seems certain ladies at this party have arrived wearing replicas of her famous Blue Sun necklace.” Sieger points at the brilliant blue gem that sparkles while pillowed between the silver-haired woman’s ample bosom.   “And I will get to the bottom of this, my lady.” Herr Narbovski straightens up. “They are certainly nothing more than shoddy fakes worn in poor taste.”   “See that you do, Binge. As head of the Jewelers Guild, I expect you to hold your fellow Bogenhaffers to a higher standard.” The countess bristles. “I am a victim of slanderous mockery.”   “Or…” Karl shrugs and opens his hands. “Perhaps a tribute to your taste and beauty? A homage, as it were?”   Rille von Kaltenwald’s frown slowly curls into a thin smile. “Hm. I like this one. What business did you say you were in?” * * *   Primus von Bildhofen looks positively bored out of his skull, gazing out over the balustrade, holding an untouched wine goblet. He sighs and turns back towards his fellow aristocrats. “I’m sorry, what?”   “Forgive me, young Count, I merely asked if you knew how your father felt about the idea of tariff programs to offset tax deferrals to the freistadts.” The tall, black-haired man who introduced himself as Count Otto Boorman smiles encouragingly. “Surely Carroburg’s fortunes in recent decades could have looked much different had not Marienburg and Middenheim become such staunch pillars of independent commerce.”   Primus sighs even more loudly and wheels around, his eyes falling on one armed guard after another. “I don’t know… I really don’t involve myself with…”   “It really is an interesting question,” agrees Baron Gottfried Ranachfels. “Perhaps your father might employ Count Otto’s services next, to audit the fiefdoms in your duchy. After he tends to my little taxation issue with Moerfort, yes?” He smiles and raises his glass to Otto.   “Would that I could, Baron.” Otto pulls at his waxed beard. “But you know the job of an Imperial Plenipotentiary is never-ending. I need to be in Kemperbad by the end of the month to make the Emperor’s presence felt.” The two gentlemen exchange an obnoxious chortle.   “Would you agree, Godwin? I’m sure in your line of work you deal with tight-fisted politicians all the time. You said you were a lawyer?” Gottfried tosses the question to Godabert, preparing to feign interest in a provided response.   “It’s Godabert, and no I didn’t.” Godabert looks past the two older nobles and makes eye contact with the younger one. “I’m sorry, Count, but I actually simply wanted to congratulate you on your performance in the lists today. Your form and technique are excellent.”   Primus perks up immediately. “Oh! Thank you, my good man. You were there for the grand melee then?”   Godbert starts to speak, remembering everything that Sir Pierre recounted while walking to the party. Godabert then closes his mouth, newly remembering what a terrible liar he is. He opts for the truth. “Well, no, not personally. I mean, I missed… some of the bouts, but… I heard from my good friend Sir Pierre du Parravon that you had an impressive debut!”   Primus looks a bit disappointed, but is relieved to speak of anything other than taxes. “Is Sir Pierre here? I would very much like to meet the renowned knight, if you could broker an introduction.”   * * *   “Oh! I know just the one!” Leopold von Bruner flips through his heavily dog-eared chapbook, lifts his left hand up chest-height, and clears his throat. “‘Light you are master of the sky / But the ground is not your realm, for we mortals do dwell here! / The other day a beam of you did shine upon a mote of dust, / And I was taken by its beauty as it floated here and there.’”   The teenage poet pauses, mid-recital, and glances up at his companions. “It’s called ‘Upon a Chance Meeting with a Mote of Dust.’ Do you think he’ll like it? Shall I continue?”   Andreas von Bruner responds quickly with a brief, but resounding “No.” He smiles and turns his head back towards Kris and Liesel Langensang, the young engineer from Altdorf. “Please forgive my younger brother. I’m afraid he’s a bit starstruck after discovering that some playwright is here in attendance.”   “SOME playwright?” Leopold clutches his poems to his breast and gasps. “Alessandro D’Inverno is the greatest writer the Old World has seen since Detlef Sierck! And he’s here with Yvonne Blunda and that elven actress!” Leopold’s words trail off in a hush and he looks around the gallery as if suddenly aware that he was, perhaps, acting a touch starstruck.   Gregor Piersson, the von Bruner’s man, gives Leopold a condescending pat on the shoulder. “If you say so, Leopold. I’m afraid I’ve never seen the appeal of these flights of fancy and staged dramas. Your brother and I prefer works of science and, as I was just explaining to our friend here, engineering.” The distinguished gentleman with close-cropped salt-and-pepper beard nods to Liesel.   “And I am very excited to hear more about these volumes of celestial architecture you were recommending, Herr Piersson.” The engineer produces a wry smile. “You clearly have… an eye… for advanced thought. I appreciate someone who isn’t afraid of doing his own research, as it were.”   “Forgive us, Herr Krowe. My companions would have us living our lives buried in books rather that actually living, it seems, yes?” Andreas puts a hand on Kris’s sleeve. “My cousin has told us so much about you and your crew. For a season, it was all he would talk about, and I am truly pleased to be able to make your acquaintance.”   “And I yours, Andreas.” Kris performs a quick bow. “My crew and I actually have business in Altdorf in the coming weeks. Maybe you can show us around?”   “While the Altdorf von Bruners are not so adventurous as our cousins in Ubersreik,” Andreas replies. “I am sure we can come up with something to… tempt you.”   * * * Beau continues to cruise from one servant’s tray of goblets to the next servant’s tray of snacks, nodding and smiling and mumbling out equally unintelligible approximations of “thank you” and “go fuck yerself.” All the while, his ears attune themselves to various snatches of juicy gossip.   “It’s true! The mayor of Grunberg was burnt at the stake a few months ago for being in league with Chaos! He was overheard talking to his cat, and fed it human blood in its milk!” A portly minor noble is vehement. “More than one witness testified that the mayor told his cat to, ‘Stop yowling and drink your bloody milk!’”   “Councillor Teugen? No, you’d never catch him at a soiree like this. That man is all business.” A local merchant lowers his volume slightly. “I’ll bet he’s conducting business right now. He only meets in the evenings, and you know he’s had the entire Merchant’s Guild timetables reorganized to meet his nocturnal preferences.”   “Tell the truth, Berthold.” A noblewoman who has long outgrown her party dress points a plump finger. “In all the time you’ve spent in Altdorf, have you ever actually seen the Emperor and Deathclaw together? Huh. Thought so.”   “Who, Gideon?” A lithe woman in comfortable shoes answers a cohort off-handedly. “Distant cousin of Teugen’s, I’m fairly sure. Arrived together when Johannes returned from Nuln a few years ago.”   “I completely disagree, Mathilde. The situation down there is only getting worse, and I would move business out of the city sooner rather than later.” The lank merchant glances about the hall before continuing. “Last week one of my clients saw a whole regiment of mercenaries marching south from Tahme towards Schrabwald. There’s more trouble brewing in the Vorbergland. I’m hearing rumors of an alliance between the Jungfreuds and the Trotts…” * * *

Rewards Granted

  • 15 for tasting the traumpilz and sharing a memory (Beau, Karl, and Kris)
  • 10 for embracing the better part of valor when confronted by the stevedore thugs (all)
  • 10 for gaining access to the Adel Ring and avoiding suspicion while staking out the Teugen estate (all)
  • 10 for mirkriding into the Inner Council meeting (God)
  • 15 for getting in on some juicy society gossip (all)
  • 40 for a good session (all)
  • Godabert: 85
  • Beau: 90
  • Karl: 90
  • Kris: 90
  • Nice clothes for Godabert (assumed loaner from CvB)

Character(s) interacted with

Locations scouted and new NPC’s engaged:   The Golden Trout
  • Dominic Flintzer, manager
The Teugen compound, Adel Ring   The Kleinwald Manor, Adel Ring (cf. interlude, above)
  • Leopold von Bruner, one of the Altdorf von Bruners, cousin to Conrad
  • Andreas von Bruner, one of the Altdorf von Bruners, cousin to Conrad and Leopold’s older brother
  • Gregor Piersson, the von Bruner purser
  • Liesel Langensang, engineer from Altdorf
  • Rille von Kaltenwald, countess
  • Binge Narbovski, guildmaster of the Bogenhafen Jewelers Guild
  • Primus von Bildhofen, scion of Middenland
  • Count Otto Boorman, Imperial Plenipotentiary
  • Gottfried Ranachfels, Baron
The Enemy Within
Report Date
03 May 2023


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