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Anjor the Red

Supreme Patriarch/Wizard Lord (a.k.a. Adelbert Grossbart)

Anjor is thought by many to be insane, but that know him well realize this is the manifestation of his intellect. Anjor is very bold and brave. He has Challenged Egrinn Von Horstmann to a duel but the Servant of Tzeench has declined. He actively taunts the Warocks of the Ruinous Powers, and makes it clear he considers them his enemy. Anjor knows his boldness intimidates people. Fear leads to fatal mistakes, and that is precisely what Anjor wants when he is battling enemies. He puts up no facades, and acts the same with friend and foe alike; bold, gruff, and hot-tempered but wise, modest, and compassionate. He hides the latter from all but children whom he has a soft spot for. Anjor is willing to take apprentices, but he only accepts children, adults must seek elsewhere.   Despite this Anjor is always willing to teach mundane information to anyone that is willing to pay, or when communities need help. He never speaks in riddles, and it is a sure thing if the information comes from Anjor it is correct. He is a knowledgeable sage on subjects both arcane and mundane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Anjor the Red is in fine health. Though he is nearly 120 winters old he looks no older than his late 30's.

Special abilities

He is the only human able to focus all 8 winds of magic without corrupting them.  Nobody is aware of this ability except for Torandar.

Apparel & Accessories

Elaborate Scarlet Red Robe (Fine 2) with a Cloak (Fine 2), and he wears Dragon Skin Boots (Fine 4). He carries his twisted Staff of the Magi and wears his long sword under his robes in a scabbard.

Specialized Equipment

Elaborate Red Robes:

  • Ward 8+
  • Magic Resistance 3
  • AP 5 (All)
  • Unbreakable
  • Impenetrable
  • Fine 2

Staff of the Magi:

  • Weapon +11
  • Reduce Casting Number by 1 (Quaysh)
  • Dispel as Free Action +3 SL
  • 3 Great Fires of U'Zhul
  • 3 Shroud of Ulgu
  • Unbreakable
  • Fine 6

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anjor was Born in Bogenhafen, Reikland to a family of rich engineers. When he was but 5 years old he was sent to the Imperial Engineers School in Altdorf to study science and engineering. By the age of 11 he mastered the disciplines of science and engineering achieving the highest levels of degree awarded by academic institutions in the Empire. While teaching there at the age of 12 he invented a flaming oil that completely burned out an infestation of rats in his Dorm Hall.   The headmasters of the University were concerned, and restricted his access to material. This spurned Anjor to move on. He spent the next two years working for Engineers. It was during this time that Anjor met Levlin a Master Bright Wizard, on a commission for his engineering company to build Levlin's tower. Levlin was amazed at the intellectual power Anjor possessed, and took the 14 year old boy as his apprentice. Anjor acquired the ability to cast petty magic very quickly, and quickly learned the simplest of Shadow spells. Shortly after, during a lesson Levlin ran afoul of a Warlock of Khorne, who attacked him in the tower and brought it down to the ground. Levlin was thoroughly defeated by the Warlock, and Anjor was left for dead.   Anjor taught himself the rest of the Shadow Lore. Anjor under the alias Adelbert Grossbart, applied to the Bright Order and there he learned the Aqshy Winds while keeping his Ulgu hidden. Anjor was able to control more than one wind as easily as a Wizard Lord masters their Order's wind. Adelbert became a War Wizard and magister and served the Emperor for 20 years. It is during this time that he would often sneak into the libraries of other Colleges and learn spells. His mind proved just as able as an elven mind to harmonize the 8 winds without corruption.   While seeking out further information on the Ghyran wind in Lustria with Torandar, Anjor discovered a fountain.
 He drank from this fountain and became infused with Ghyran. A mark appeared on his forearm. Near this fountain was a cave with many cave drawings. He learned both the Jade and Amber winds from this cave. Throughout the decades he has managed to learn all 8 winds and managed to learn to cast them without corruption. Anjor may be the first human to accomplish this feat.




  • Imperial Engineer's College
  • Apprenticed Levlin The Thunder (Ulgu)
  • Bright Order


  • Engineer
  • Science, Geography, Medicine, Chemistry, Geology
  • History, Elves, Folklore
  • Herbology, Plants, Beasts, Monsters, Dragons, Spirits
  • Magic, Demonology, Necromancy, Chaos {Secretive and only for those he trusts at high cost}
Engineer   Apothecary   Brewer Vintner

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • 20 advances in Lore (Science), and Language (Classical) by age 5
  • 20 advances in Lore (Engineer), Lore (Geography), Lore (Geology), Lore (Metallurgy), Lore (History), Research, Secret Sign (Engineer), Petty Magic, Channeling (Chamon) by Age 14
  • 20 Advances in Arcane Lore (Ulgu), Arcane Lore (Chamon), Language (Magick),  Lore (Magick), Lore (Elves) by age 16
  • 20 Advances in Channeling (Aqshy), Lore (Chaos), Lore (Folklore), Lore (Daemonology) by age 18.
  • 2415:Survives the Night of a Thousand Arcane Duels.
  • 2418:  He met Torandar JotunFluch.  Anjor convinced him to travel to Lustria to help him find magic lore.
  • 2423:  In Lustria they discovered the Fountain of Youth.  It allows creatures to age 1:10.  The water causes them to forget its location.  
  • 2424:  Finds Crystal Memory Shards of the Slaan, which reveals the time of the Old Ones as Visions. Lore (History) 20 Advances
  • 2425: 20 Advances in Arcane Lore (Azyr), then 20 Advances in Arcane Lore (Shyish), Lore (Necromancy), Lore (spirits)  after travelling to Cathay and Ind
  • 2428: 20 Advances in Arcane Lore (Ghur), Arcane Lore (Ghyran) when he discovers an ancient Cave Complex with ancient Druidic writing that serves as a Grimoire for those Lore.
  • 2433: Supreme Patriarch of the Bright Order 
  • Distinguished Magister for 20 years in the Imperial Army
  • Fakes his Death at the Seige of Altdorf (2453)
  • 2455:  Learns Arcane Lore (Hysh) from Egrimm van Horstmann, High Luminary of the College of Light  Magic by tricking him.
  • 2457:  Egrimm tries to recruit him to the Cabal but Anjor's soul is too pure.  
  • Successfully settles down as a sage
  • Only human Archmage

Intellectual Characteristics

Child Prodigy

Morality & Philosophy

Opposed to Chaos

Personality Characteristics


  • Learn all principles of magic
  • Protect people from the machinations of Chaos
  • Educate


Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Master Wizard
  • Wizard Lord
  • Master Engineer
120 Appears 35
Circumstances of Birth
Rich Parents who were Imperial Engineers
Very Masculine
Light Blue
Short Red
Cult of Verena
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Reiklander
  • Classic
  • Wastelander
  • Albion
  • Eltharin
  • Khazalid
  • Cathay
  • Guilder
  • Battle


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