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From Weissbruck to Kemperbad

Population Migration / Travel


Pflugzeit 16, 2514

Find a buyer for the Wool. Elsa Charms a merchant. Sells each unit for 22 Shillings. Kill 2 purple hands cultists and learn they are being watched from a note they found. They learn what is meant by the purple palm is passed.

Pflugzeit 17-23, 2514 Day 1-7

  8 am: Searching for Cargo: • See Barge Sheet They purchase 72 units of grain.   1 pm: As they are sailing out of Altdorf, they spot the Physicians Apprentice from the Coach and Horses Inn when this whole endeavor started. Ernst Heidelmann accidently made eye contact, but quickly ducked out of sight back from the coach window he was riding in.   • Rain • Strong Headwind • Endeavors: Carolus attempts to learn sailing: Fails • Uhler attempts to learn sailing Fails. • Pflugzeit 18, 2514 Day 2 Rain Strong Starboard wind   As they sail near the signal tower 2 dwarves ask to hitch a ride. The party agrees but as they sail a very large Dwarf starts shouting at them. It turns out the dwarves feel over worked at the signal tower. This is the foreman trying to get them back. The Iron Maiden stops and lets the Dwarves disembark. They strike up conversation with the Foreman.   She asks for help with the tower and will pay 6/- a day. Plus 5 GC bonus if the tower is Finished in 7 days. Carolus learns sailing

Pflugzeit 19, 2514 Day 3

  8 am: Begin Work on the Tower with the Dwarves.

Pflugzeit 20, 2514 Day 4

  11 pm: The party wakes to news that another worker, Minak, went missing in the night. Many of the workers have had it. Elsa asks them to stay and will let them sleep on the barge. They agree, more work occurs and the Party stays in the sleeping quarters ready for battle. The Ghoul came out of a trap door and swiftly attacked. Carolus was wounded and Werner finally brought it down. The Ghoul had some kind of key around its neck. As Gabrielle walks around the room, the trap door pops open.   They get a lantern and descend. There is a hexagram carved into the floor and at each vertex there is a star shaped hole.   They go into the library and fight 3 zombies. All of them have keys that match the indentations in the floor. They put the keys in and nothing happens. They go back in the library and through the southwest door to find an alchemical lab and a zombie. They quickly dispatch the zombie. It has a Star Key as well.   They go back through the library and go through the South East Door. Its an alchemical lab. With a Zombie. They dispatch it and it too has a key. Carolus Smashes a desk apart. A brittle notebook is found and Gabrielle recognizes it is notes and calculations about the orbit of Morrsleib.   They find many maps of the Empire with Triangles drawn on them. On one map of the Empire whole is a red circle around the Barren Hills.  

Pflugzeit 20-24, 2514 Day 5-9

  They awaken, and show the Dwarves the burnt Zombies and the Dead Ghoul. They continue the work to completion and get Paid.  

Pflugzeit 25-29, 2514 Day 10-14

    Near Kemperbad they see the River is Corrupted. Gabrielle Feels it is because of Dhar. They made up time from wind but there was a barge accident above and they lose a day. Arrive Pflugzeit 29.  

Pflugzeit 30, 2514 Day 15

• Light Headwind • Rain 8 am: Awake in Kemperbad, seek to sell cargo. Pick up Average Wine and reprovision ship. Spend the night in Kemperbad on the boat.

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