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Double Trouble

Life, Achievement/ Win


Discovery of Doppelgangers in the Kardstadt Household.

Vorgeheim 30, 2514   Trying to find information on Von Wittgenstein. BEGIN DOUBLE TROUBLE: 7am: A courier in the Livery of the Karstadt family from Ubersreik, delivers a note:Charlotte Informs the party that the Kardstadts are one of the richest families in the Reikland. They used to be nobles, but took a loan from the Bruners. It seems to have worked well for them. Lucius is the youngest of the family. She teaches the daughter, Duelling and combat.   Jurgen the servant gives them directions to the estate in the Grafsmund. They arrive at the estate at 530 pm. Jurgen brings them into a side entrance. It is evident from the moment they get through the front gate there is a tension in the air. Charlotte, Wolfgang, and Ottilia can all tell that Lucius is very nervous.   He wishes to hear of their explioits, and in return will allow them to stay at his house and pay them 8 shillings a day. Elsa haggles him up to 10. The party agrees, Lucius is pleased and allows them time to settle in.   Uhler decides to take a stroll outside and notices the campsite with some shillings and pfennings. Elsa Finds out that 3 staff members have left the house without notice which is odd. All three were acting oddly.   Elsa Talks to a guard and finds out they think the staff were acting oddly. They had to kick out a beggar camping near the house. She checks with Uhler and discovers he found the campsite.   Uhler attempted to talk to the stablehands. Elsa decided to go out an talk to them when they blew him off. The stablehands tell her that the staff has been acting off. One sigmar worshiper named Rainer stabbed his friend Talbot to death. One servant saw Rainer heading to the gate but the guards never saw him.   The party members all realize that a man Josef is stalking them. When they notice him he just waves. After about 2 hours Brunhilde, being overly friendly tells them they have been invited to dinner.   730 pm Dinner with Lucius and Hellin. Hellin is very friendly to Carolus, Charlotte, and Gabrielle. She maintains a friendly demeanor with the rest. Brunhilde comes in towards the end of dinner and rushes people along. Gabrielle especially, but also Charlotte and Wolfgang notice Hellin Karstadt seems very annoyed. Gabrielle thinks its almost like Hellin thinks Brunhilde is not acting right. Carolus, Wolfgang, and Ottilia had a bit too much to drink.   After Josef summons Hellin dinner ends, and Lucius grabs some wine and joins with the party. Finally Lucius leaves them be and the party retires around 12 am.   Agents of Graf Jungfreud Hang one of Veera’s followers, a Nun operating out of Flussberg. Baron Furic Protests and demands reparations to the Abbess and the Nun’s immediate family. There is no response from the Graf yet.       Vorgeheim 31, 2514   Brunhilde asks if anyone needs anything and Elsa Asks for some tea. They never see Brunhilde again. Elsa and Uhler stay up for 2 more hours “for some sex”. Uhler hears major creaking from the room above. He gets dressed to check on it when they hear a thud. The entire party wakes. As they go to check the attic they are met with Deitrick who insists they go back to bed. Carolus is about to intimidate the man when Wolfgang suggests they all go back to bed. When they return to the room, Wolfgang explains he did not really think that was Dietrich. Something was off. Doppelganger perhaps?   630 am: Breakfast. But there is no breakfast. Hellin is concerned because Brunhilde usually does breakfast. The party agrees to check on her in her room. Wolfgang finds lots of evidence including a pendant and a bloody dress under the mattress. Uhler discovers that the blood is about a month old. Dietrich comes into the room disheveled. Charlotte notices his thieves brand. Hellin sends servants to search the house for Brunhilde.   Lucius pulls the characters aside, and tells them to search on them own, as Hellin has been acting off. He will reward them well. They agree. They insist on first checking the attic.   They search the attic. Find the shrine to Khaine. Uhler identifies there was a struggle here last night.   Wolfgang is trying to keep an eye on Hellin. Wolfgang notices Josef go into their own room with a bloody Bonnet. Gabrielle notices Dietrich yelling at a servant… but she just saw him leave. Suspicious again of the Doppelganger.   Uhler searches the grounds. He finds the remains of Ettri in Maids livery in the hedge.   Hellin calls everyone together. Wolfgang warned people to don their armor. Carolus did in preparation. Josef accuses the party.   Elsa proves the bloody bonnet was in the room. Then talks about Dietrich not letting them in the attic. Hellin is not pleased. They try to convince her that Lucius invited them but they are not convinced.   Then Wolfgang points out the reason that Dietrich did not remember is because there is a doppelganger. Uhler talks about the campsite, and shows them the remains of the body. Elsa tries to convince Hellin of the Doppelganger but she scoffs at Elsa. That is when Charlotte steps in and explains it to her. Hellin is more receptive. Charlotte further points out all the evidence and convinces Hellin. Hellin wants this beast found.   Party splits up but keeps within distance. They see “brunhilde” call Dietrich into the maze. They follow. They see Dietrich fighting Brunhide and Dietrich gets dragged further into the maze. Uhler tracks him down easily. Dietrich Battles Himself!   Charlotte Orders them to take off the glove. They see the brand on Dietrich’s hand, and the Doppelganger is found. Gabrielle Dazzles him and Charlotte Skewers him.   They return with the Corpse of the Doppelganger. Josef inquires about the Shrine and the characters show him the dagger. They don’t want it but Ottilia claims she is going to turn it in to the authorities. Hellin is very thankful and they are rewarded with 20 GC.   Lucius begins writing his play.   Elsa sends a pigeon to Thaelindra reporting everything.

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