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Flying Death Skulls

Life, Trauma/ Loss

22/9 4:00

Hans Graber 2nd encounter

Vorgeheim 22, 2514

On the 20th outside of Grubentreich, a flaming skull flies at the lead Wagon driven by Elsa. She avoids it, but the party decided to investigate. They searched the area but decided to return to Grubentreich.   11 am Return to Grubentreich. Their first stop is the Black Sheep Tavern. There they engange in conversation with the locals and they describe the incident with the flying skull. Most locals seem quite skeptical, but Eduard Jung the proprietor of the Black Sheep mentions he recalls a man, a wine merchant returning from the village of Pritzstock discussing something similar:   According to Geizhals, who travelled on to Middenheim for the Carnival, the folk of Pritzstock gave him the impression that the village was cursed. There were tales of the dead prowling around the outskirts of the village, and of phantom, flying skulls haunting the woods. Eduard broaches the subject with the Characters quietly, after the tavern has emptied out for the night. Eduard tells them that two farmers are staying here and they would probably be willing to show them the way.   The party spends the night in the taproom of the Black Sheep.  

Vorgeheim 23, 2514

  They awaken at Dawn and ask the farmer if he would be willing to show them the way. He tries to charge a shilling each but through Intimidation Uhler Land convinces them they would benefit from the party’s protection. The farmer Hans agrees.   11 am: Arrive in Pritzstock: Wolfgang Notes:   Pritzstock wine has a light, delicate flavour, and is gaining in popularity throughout the Western Empire. In recent years, harvests have been particularly good, and the village has prospered as a result — buildings and carts are in good repair, animals are sturdy, and the people are well fed.   Migrant workers from the surrounding areas have yet to arrive but some wine merchants from Middenheim and even Altdorf have already visited: the grapes have been assessed, and prospects look good — provided the harvest starts on time.   Hans makes note that the vineyards aren’t being worked. The party arrives to a heated gathering of villagers around a large house. They seem wary of the party. There is something distressing in the village and Henri-Phillipe tells them they will reconvene in a couple hours. He greets the party. He tells them about skull sightings and a villager Sigismund Halsbret gone missing. He offers them 8 GC and free Room and Board to solve this before harvest. They lose 1 GC per day they do not conclude the problem. The party agrees, but Elsa negotiates that they retain the full 8GC as long as there is no harm to the villagers or the harvest.   The party talks to the villagers and find out a variety of ideas. Some think Henri-Phillipe is trying to scare people away to buy properties. Some think it is punishment for not sacrificing to the gods for a good harvest. They look around before saying anything but think Henri-Phillipe is not using the militia correctly. Many seem to agree, including Henri-Phillipe that there is a graveyard from an old battle with the forces of Chaos that occurred 200 years ago. His idea is that there are just some graves that need to be sealed up.   The party begins their investigation, and the followers of the party set up as an entertaining troupe for the villagers.   The party first investigates the latest Sighting. The victim is still unconscious in the Rocheteau house being looked after by her mother and Henri-Phillipe’s Wife. The ladies agree to have Ottilia tend to her. Ottilia was only able to revive her with Shallyan Magic. She brings her back to consciousness and inspects her wounds. She notices there are bite marks. Two of them. She also notices that the Victim looks very similar to Elisabeth. Ottilia heals her fully pnce she is conscious. They then go to question her rescuers and the rescuers just note the skull, and how they ran away.   They then question Knud, and find out Sigismund tried to run while he hit the skull with his shovel CLOD. Uhler comes to the conclusion that Sigismund abandoned the town after examining the evidence.   When questioned about the skull Isolde says the Skull’s eyes were glowing. She offers to take Wolfgang to the spot. They agree to go. Uhler, goes to find them when they are gone for awhile, and notices some playfulness going on.   Elsa and Charlotte go to talk to Seel. He initially tells them that he spotted the skull near the village, but Charlotte can tell he’s lying. He asks her about adventure and she tells him a few stories. He opens up about where he actually found the skulls.   While waiting for Wolfgang, Gabrielle Notices strange emanations coming from a man in the village. Wudar Lechart. She asks about him and a male villager tells her he is the village idiot. She goes to confront him. He tells her about the lucky charm and the bones. She recognizes it as Warpstone.   1:30 pm The party meets about 2 hours later to report their findings, Gabrielle Tells Uhler to keep a close eye on Wudar. All party members share the information. Wolfgang arrives late with Uhler and Isolde. The captain of the militia notices and is not pleased. Nor is he pleased with the looks she is giving Wolfgang.   The party asks Wudar to lead them to the cave. After about an hour its clear that he has no intention of doing that and Uhler confirms he just leading them around aimlessly. The party knocks him unconscious and guided by Gabrielle Removes the Warpstone filling and the piee of warpstone on him. They bring him back to the village, and convince the leader Henri-Phillipe to keep him under guard. He has been liberated from the warpstone but the party did not get the lead they were hoping for. Gabrielle suspects his idiot symptoms might be due to warpstone and they will be able to question him in a few days.   They decide to search out accommodation within the village.   Charlotte stays at Reuter’s farm Uhler and Elsa Stay at Klop’s farm Carolus and Wolfgang stay at Bleurer’s Farm Gabrielle and Ottilia stay at Uderlast Farm    

Vorgeheim 24

  2 am: The party decides to keep a rotating watch while sleeping at the various tenant farms. The watch station is at the well. During Uhlers final watch he sees floating lights approaching. He reacts and shoots at one. It falls. Soon it can be seen they are moving very fast towards the well, he shoots down 2 more, and the remaining skull ignores him to fly towards the Rechateau’s house. Uhler shoots and misses. It drops the flaming torch on the roof. Uhler shoots again and the skull falls in the house. He immediately grabs water and the party arrives all help to extinguish the fire. They see that the skulls are carved with sayings FEAR THE GRAVELORD, and INCONSTANT JADE that show they were controlled by the Gravelord. Gabrielle recognizes the name from the animated Monk at Altdorf that Werner was ferrying up the river.   Gabrielle questions Rechateau about the inconstant jade carving and he is very charmed relaying the story to her.     The origins of the current trouble lie three years in the past. A young Hans Gräber, passing through Pritzstock on his way to Altdorf and initiation as a novice monk, caught sight of the beautiful Elisabet Rocheteau, the wife of village mayor Henri- Phillippe and partner in his wine business.   Gräber fell hard for the beautiful wine merchant, mistaking her polite and somewhat motherly concern in his increasingly drunken state for romantic interest. When she could no longer fend off his clumsy attentions, her husband and a few villagers stepped in and treated the besotted postulant to a cooling dip in the pond   Utterly humiliated, Gräber left the village before dawn, and joined his order as planned. The pain of his humiliation never abated, and neither did the memory of the woman who (in his mind) clearly led him on just to make him the village laughing stock. Having dealt with Father Marcus, revenge on the village of Pritzstock became his next priority. As he left he cursed incessant Jade.     7am: A skull flies into the village, Uhler tries to shoot it down. He does, and the skull drops a note attached to a piece of Warpstone. Gabrielle Warns Everyone away. She properly stores it without corruption. She then reads the note. ‘Save your village. Surrender Elisabet Rocheteau. Alone, where the woman saw the skull. One hour after dusk. Tonight. No more warnings. –The Gravelord.’   The characters namely Gabrielle convinces Elisabet to allow herself to be used as bait. The party goes to the site. Gabrielle Spots the skulls and the party positions themselves to hide.   The Gravelord starts to make a speech to Elisabet but then senses the party. They party attacks, he dispels a spell from Gabrielle but Uhler shoots him in the head knocking him prone. The rest of the party runs towards Elisabeth but he has his skulls attack her. She is surrounded by skulls when Gabrielle casts another spell and knocks him unconcioous jarring his arm. They strip him of everything, capture him, and bind him.   They bring him back to the village. Bound and set off to bring him to Middenheim for justice. The party gets their pay and the village is thankful.    

Vorgeheim 25, 2514

  Travel to Middenheim with Hans Gruber in tow. He awakens and insults the party and they mock him back. Then Carolus pinches him unconscious again. They return him to the High Temple of Sigmar along with his Necromancy and their old Tzeench Grimoire they claim was found on him.

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