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Jahrdrung 19, 2514


19/3 9:00

The Apprentices are leaving Delbren where they have been wintering since Kaldezeit. They arrive at a coaching inn probably about 2 days from Altdorf. The Coach and Horses Inn. Upon arrival they spot that the Ratchett Lines of Altdorf has a coach in the courtyard. Wolfgang noticed that though it was brightly painted and pleasant looking, the coach is actually a rickety old structure with woodworms. Upon entering the barroom they find it a warm cozy place, and Gustav is very attentive. They make note of Blackie the crow who perches in the Barroom and actually mimics speech.   Events at the Inn:

  • • Party Tries to secure a coach. Carolus will be able to ride outside the coach. Elsa Rotheriig negotiates with the 2 Coachmen from Ratchett Lines. Wolfgang, Werner, and Ottilia go with her. Wolfgang makes the condition of the coach apparent to Elsa. She uses that in her negotiations. The Coachman originally wanted 6/- per person, Elsa talked them down to 4/-. And Carolus does not have to pay.
  • • Wolfgang approaches Ernst Heidlemann to inquire what he is reading. Ernst Closes the Book and shows the cover Leeches and their Curative Properties. Wolfgang tries to engage in Conversation but Ernst makes it very apparent he is not interested. Wolfgang leaves him alone after catching some of the Classical words in the book. Gabrielle thinks he is suspicious.
  • • Gabrielle Ambosstein tries to make conversation with Isolde. Isolde does not give her the time of day and is very rude. She orders her handmaiden Janna to tell her to leave. Gabrielle, sensing the discomfort of the girl, complies only to keep Janna comfortable.
  • • Gustav and Blackie make much annoying conversation with the party.
  • • Descartes Gambling: Werner, Wolfgang, Uhler, Gabrielle all play. Eventually the players find out Descartes is cheating and confront him. Carolus and Uhler join the group. Gabrielle sees he is going for his Pistol and Dazzles him with a spell. Wolfgang punches him, and then Carolus roundhouses him in the head stunning him. Uhler was going to stab him with a dagger but thought better of it and knocked him out with a haymaker bodyblow. Descartes fell unconscious.
  • • The party brings Descartes to the stable after tying him up. After talking with him and Uhler Threatening him with death, Descartes groveled and gave the party all of his money, his loaded dice, and Pistol. Uhler was grateful the party did not kill him or prosecute him. He believes getting caught is just a simple occupational Hazard.
  • The Party retires for the night at 10PM.

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