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The Schaffenfest

Cultural event


The Apprentices experience all the oddities, fun, and intrigue of the Schaffenfest!

The Berebeli pulls into the wharf about 8am on the morning of Mitterful. Josef tells them he is going to arrange the barge be unloaded by stevedores and they should go see the town. He pays them for his time and tells them they are welcome to stay on the boat for two nights, but after that he is departing. The party decides to pay the lawyers Lock, Stock, and Barl to get to the bottom of why Adolphus attacked them and the Magister Impedimentae. They follow directions and find Garten Way and locate the building. The building is completely shuttered. Wolfgang suggests going to the town court. They first arrive at the Town Hall and an underling redirects Wolfgang to the town courts. When there Wolfgang finds out that in all likelihood this letter is a hoax, as there have never been a law office or individual lawyers with the name Lock, Stock, or Barl. The party is puzzled, but decides they might as well check out the Schaffenfest.   At the Schaffenfest:   • 9 am: They peruse many medical side shows and charlatans. But when they pass one particular stall Wolfgang overhears an herbalist talking about her herbs and they are actually true at least as he can discern from his Science Lore. He introduces himself and they begin a conversation. Elvyra is glad to talk the herbs, but realizes there are some gaps in his knowledge so she offers for him to visit her in Weissbruk. The Party moves on a bit as Wolfgang and Elvyra speak.1 • 9:45 am The party visits Megret the Mystic and they pay for a fortune. Uhler: I see a dark place. A narrow place. With Water. There is death there. (Uhler defeated this with Fortune and Resilience) Carolus: Beware of a big man, a rich man. He will bring much danger. Wolfgang: I see a dark man. He is not what he seems. Elsa: The sign of the rose is red, dripping blood. Ottilia: I see seven men and two. One of the two will destroy the others and many more besides. • 12 pm Carolus gets word from a servant that her Lord wishes to see him. He of course agrees to go and Gabrielle goes with him. They meet with Primus Von Bildhofen and the Primus asks Carolus to take his place in the list for the Joust. The primus offers 5 GC for him to do so. Instead in a feat of negotiation Carolus turns it around to get a full suit of plate armor if he wins. The Primus agrees. Carolus gets fitted in the armor, and a suited for one of his own. The Joust is against Graf Wilhelm Von Saponatheim. First Round Carolus is critically unhorsed. Through Fate and Resilience Carolus was able to defeat the Graf. • 2pm at the court and stocks a halfling pickpocket is caught by a guard but gets away. Werner Heads him off and easily catches the halfling. The halfling bribes Werner and Werner pretends to have been bit and kicked as the halfling gets away. • 2:20 pm The characters spot Gottri Gurnisson in the stockade. A very drunk Dwarf in the stockade. He begs for 2 shillings, but the party does not comply. • 4pm The Full Suit of Plate Mail is Carolus’   Pflugzeit 1, 2514   At the Schaffenfest: • They play games for most of the morning. • 11 am They go to the pit fight. They see Klaus in the ring looking tired. Werner wonders, but Wolfgang points out the exhaustion is an act. The party decides not to challenge. • 4pm am Doctor Malthusius’s Zoocopeia. They spot a 3 legged goblin in a cage. The goblin gets loose but Carolus misses it. Some one else catches it and brings it back to the Doctor. The party pays to enter the show and they see many mutated creatures: A dog mutant and of course the goblin. The goblin as it is being shown bites the hand of the dwarf. The crowd in its excitement blocks the party from catching it. The watch comes and the Doctor tries to convince them that all his show freaks are legal. Carolus then butts in and tells them the Goblin had 3 legs. • 4:30 pm The watch brings all to the Court of the fair. In making a show to save himself, Doctor Malthusius offers 5 GC to the party to capture the goblin. The magister matches it for a total of 10 GC. The party is offered free accommodation at Journey;s End Inn and they are expected to pursue the goblin immediately.   5 pm: Into the sewers:   The town watch leads them to a manhole and lets them in. Uhler Lang sets the ladder and descends, he nearly falls into the effluent because he bumbled so bad but Fortune and Resilience stopped him from falling. He sets the ladder. The party lights 2 lanterns and goes forth. They travel for a bit in the main sewer, and come across a door. Nobody notices anything about it. 20 minutes: Find the goblin entry point. Back to the door. 40 minutes: Find a corpse with a giant rat! Carolus kills the rat and the corpse turns out to be that of the dwarf from the Stockade Gottri! They notice the body is badly mutilated and its chest cavity is open but missing its heart. 50 minutes: Temple! Wolfgang notices what looks like Goblin blood and a Goblin Footprint. Gabrielle Begins to feel VERY uneasy about this place. She can see traces of Dhar roiling in the chamber. They notice a three socketed pelvis lying inside. Likely the Mutated Goblin. They clearly see by shining the lantern this is a temple of some kind. Carolus breaks the door down with 2 bashes.   6 pm they see the temple clearly and the words Ordo Septenarius engraved in the middle of an Octogram. Suddenly a thick black foul smelling steam flecked with blue and pink starts to rise. It coalesces into a Daemon of some sort. Ottilia recognizes it as a Herald of Tzeench. Most of the party was paralyzed in fear, but Carolus, Werner, and Gabrielle Vanquished the Daemon with Gabrielle’s Dart spell being the killing blow.   The Temple is searched. They find the sacrificial knife which Ottilia throws in the Effluent. They take the silver tray it was lying on. They also find a handkerchief made of silk with F.S Monogrammed on it.   The Party is dirty, smelly, and tired. Uhler is very injured, Ottilia uses Blessings of Healing and Blessing of Recuperation on Uhler Right away. When they get the the surface she tries to heal him and her bandaging does seem to succeed. But Uhler is still suffering from his mangled ear.   They return to the Journey’s end for a bath and bed. They have to pay for the room as the town has not yet done it. They also must pay for each hot bath. The next day they set out to resume business.  

Pflugzeit 2, 2514

  9 am: The characters awaken and the first order of business after breakfast is finding a surgeon for Uhler. The Physician’s Guild is a block away so it is easy to get him seen. A doctor sees Uhler and performs surgery on the ear, healing his wounds thought the ear is no longer there. Uhler goes back to the Berebeli to rest.   9:15 am: The party returns to the Festival Court, to collect. Magistrate Richter tells them that the case is already closed. They Tell Richter about the excursion, and show him the Pelvis. He looks confused but says that the case is closed. The party asks for directions to the warehouse, and Richter tells them about the monogram on the handkerchief. It is the monogram of Franz Steinhagen. Richter refuses to pay any money and directs the party to Town Hall. The Warehouse is located on the Ostedamm.   10:30 am: Town Hall. The party is met by a clerk and shows the pelvis. The clerk still says that the case is closed. Elsa though, being very charmiing convinces the clerk they should be paid. She really charms him and he gets the authorization to pay them the 5 GC.   12:30 pm: Reach the Ostendamm to look for the warehouse: They can find no indication of anything foul at the warehouse.   1:15 pm They decide to revisit Richter on their way to the Doctor Malthusius. They Meet with Andrea his clerk again. She tells them that the Town Watch captain called on Richter. She does not know what happened but Richter was Pale and shaking afterwards. She tells them where he lives.   1:30 pm: They meet Dr Malthusius. In conversation he talks about how he is sure the party did the best they could but he should have expected the mutant goblin to die. Elsa tells him about the hidden temple. Doctor Malthusius can offer no contacts but agrees to help anyway he can. When the party tell him about the dwarf, he agrees to inquire.   2:00 pm: On the way to see the Watch Captain they overhear about a madman in the Town Square making pronouncements of Doom. The party goes to where he is said to be but there is nobody present.   2:15 pm: Town Watch Barrack: The party is going to both make a formal report, and ask to see the Watch Captain. They are told to come back tomorrow but Elsa charms her way into seeing him. They find out that the Watch Captain was in his office when Richter was taken ill and never actually saw Magister Richter. They thank him and Wolfgang leaves a formal report of the incidents.   2:45 pm: Richter’s Chambers. They meet Gertie who tells them that Richter has not taken ill for years, and that the Doctor is in with him now. They see he is very ill with bulging eyes and swollen tongue.   3pm: They return to the Fair Court and talk to Andrea. Cross examining her against the Watch Captains word. She only says there was something strange about the Watch Captain when he came to visit. He seemed very amused after he left.   4pm: they meet up with Maltusius again and he tells them maybe to look in on the temple of Verena. Also that Gottri was seen heading into town in the company of a young man wearing livery including a red cross… or maybe a flower. Elsa Remembers her prophecy from the Mystic. They go to visit her again.   4:15 pm: They visit the mystic again to talk about Uhler. The Great Killed The Small, And The Biggest Serve The Lowest. You Are In Great Danger. The EYE Is Upon You.   They go back to their room in The Journey’s End Inn. Morrsleib is Full bathing the town in Green.

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