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Colendol Order

"Aye... watch out for the Book Dragons. They will get every scrap of parchment or book you possess."- Proverb of Heldinor


Chief Librarian
Head Librarian    Head Butler    Captain of the Guard  
The Chief Librarian is chosen by a public nomination and a secret ballot of all members of the order.
The Head Librarian commands the dozens of librarians and clerks who catalog and keep the collections.   The Head Butler commands the service staff that cook, clean and maintain the grounds of the Castle.   The Captain of the Guard commands the two centuries of Guards who keep the castle and it's lands safe.


There is a commonality of purpose among the Colondel Order. All do their part to preserve as much knowledge as they can. There is some friction between the three branches, Librarian, Staff and Guards, and a certain amount of conflict arises but nothing that can threaten their mission is ever tolerated

Public Agenda

To Ensure the Preservation of Knowledge for All


Colendel Order was secured for and granted to Losandra Geldaris by the Moonsong Society for the establishment of a bulwark for knowledge. The castle and the surrounding lands are owned by the Order that Geldaris founded, named after the Castle that would be it's home.    The Order maintains itself by donations but the vast majority of it's income is generated by the production and sale of wine. The Vineyards of Colendel Castle were extensive and Geldaris, wisely, invested in them as a means to fund the endeavor. Colendel wines are sought all over the continent and an agreement of a generous tithe in wine and to provide tutors to the royal family of the Kingdom of Heldinor that established itself in 45 AF allows them to pay limited taxes for the protection of the Heldinor Legions.


Losandra Geldaris was a midlevel Imperial functionary when the Empire Collapsed. She was passionate about her work and the preservation of history and knowledge. When the first aftershocks of the announcement of the death of the Last Emperor, Goval VI, Losandra expressed her concerns that the politcal upheavel could threaten humanity with a regression of knowledge to a senior Silver Shield of the Moonsong Society. Thinking the preservation of knowledge aligned with many of their own goals the Society agreed to help found an order with those goals. Colendel Castle was secured the next year and the beginnings of a staff was found from those who had served the Empire in similar capacities but shared the same goal of to save knowledge. For over three hundred years the Order has stood. They now have agents in most major capitols who seek out books and old writings to purchase and send back to Colendel Castle.

Knowledge Must Endure


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