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"To summon a demon is to risk breaking utterly that which makes us human. Some seek that, all should fear that." - Author Unknown


It is a magical affect that is constant when mortals are in the presence of Demons due to their exposure to the Outer Dark. Any demon has that affect with the more powerful Demons having a greater affect


It starts with a slight predisposition to get lost in thought. After that focus becomes more difficult. This is the Demon's presence altering the mind and spirit of any mortal near them. Soon after that it is a rapid decline till any humanity they possessed is destroyed and they are almost demons in mortal form.


Once the rapid decline begins there is no known cure. Before then it is possible to recover if the demon is removed from the affected vicinity and no other demon ever draws near.


Do. Not. Summon. Demons..... the fact this needs stated is mortifying


According to legend in the time when humanity first begin to raise themselves above savage hunters and cunning gatherers the Gods cast out the Demons who had been trying to enslave their creations. This created an imbalance that could only be fixed by the Gods ascending to their own spiritual domains and never to return, less the Outer Dark be torn assunder and the Demons be let loose upon all creation. The Order of Dusk rose from this, seeking to bring back their Demon Masters. They are believed to have created the first method for summoning a Demon from the Outer Dark. The rituals involved are sometimes vastly different and have evolved over the vast time since the Demons were Banished. And ever since the first demons were summoned, their time in the Outer Dark has caused their Presence to inflict that known as Demonrot

Cultural Reception

Revulsion. Those that would summon demons always seek greater power and they care not the cost. When a Demon Summoner is descovered and not immediatly slain, if possible, fear and hatred are their only reception except those pitiful wretches who would seek to curry favor
Chronic, Acquired


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Jul 23, 2024 13:33 by Seraph Abell

"Do. Not. Summon. Demons..... the fact this needs stated is mortifying" absolutely killed me. Seriously! Never mess with forces you don't know. SMH. LOL. No but seriously I saw that quote and immediately was like, "YEP."

Oh yeah, I *love* my characters.   *puts them through hell and back*   I really love them.