Goval VI Character in The Oldest Squire | World Anvil
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Goval VI

"Goval the Sixth, Goval the Last. He chose to sail and Empire's time is Past" - Line from the Peom 'The Fall of Val's Dream

Their Imperial Majesty Goval VI

Physical Description

Facial Features

Physically the only thing that was very remarkable about Goval was his eyes wich were the exact shade of a flawless saphire

Specialized Equipment

The Imperial Signet Ring The Dagger of Shontalla

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As the only child of Empress Belingi II, Beli knew he would rule the empire one day. His childhood was the same as many scions of the Imperial Family. Tutors began his education at a young age. He recieved instruction in everything a future holder of the Imperial Family should know and by and large he was fairly competent at his lessons. He was bad at nothing but neither was he a master of anything.    When his mother died of a bad heart he assumed the throne and took the Imperial name Goval VI at the age of 20. From the start it was obvious he was not cut from the same mold as most who had held his throne. He pushed for more inclusion in his government and it did not sit well with the Imperial Beauracracy.   He was often counciled to use the might of the Empire when troubles arose but sought dialogue first. So when the Atrian Revolt occured accross the Eastern Ocean he, again, was counciled to use military force. Instead he set ambassadors with orders to not offer any undue offense. This was taken as 'no offense'. This led the the entire ambassadorial mission to be slain and their heads sent back. The Emperor was advised to deploy the Shadowguard. Instead he declared he would go himself. A large part of the senior leadership also went with him so as to continueing the governance of the Empire. 300 Ships set sail from Mor Celeon. Scores of fast cutters were amont the compliment to relay weekly orders. It was a massive undertaken against all advice.   Midway throught the passage a storm so massive that it's like had not been seen in centuries struck the Emperor's fleet. For three days it blanketed the ocean. Of the two hundred and seventy four that were with the fleet at the storms start, only thirty two ever made it back to a port.   The Imperial Flagship, The Soaring Pheonix , had been pushed far north of their original course. It ended smashed on rocks on an uncharted island far beyond the Tradeways. Seventy Nine men and women survived, Goval VI among them.   With no way to contact the empire and uncertain chances of a rescue Goval managed to organize the survivors who were devided into two factions, one who saw him as the Emperor to be served and those who blamed him for the current situation, into a community. He organized the stripping of the Phoenix for supplies and material.   Shelters went up and exploring their new home began. Some called into question why Goval was still giving orders. In a move that stunned loyalist and condemers alike, he offered they should hold a vote to who should lead. He lost the vote and accepted it with grace. The Chief Carpenter of the Phoenix was voted as leader and Goval swore to support him and he did.   They were never rescued. The Empire was in shambles and they had no way of knowing it. The built homes on the island they named Lost Haven. Every year they would hold a vote on leader. Three times Goval won and did his best. He eventually won over the entirety of those who had survived with his determination and honesty. Two years after they were shipwrecked he declared he would no longer be known as Goval but wished to be known by his birth name of Beli.   Over time children came as people paired up. Beli himself ended up with a daughter and 3 grandchildren.    He died when one had stumbled off a cliff. He climbed down with rope and managed to secure the child but slipped and a hidden fault in the rope that secured him snapped the rope and he plummeted to his death.


Highly educated in a broad array of subjects, from math to language to history and military science and everything in between.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Organized the survivors of their shipwreck and helped found a community that has lasted to the present day.

Failures & Embarrassments

His actions precipitated the fall of the Bendi Empire


Did not wish to use force unless absolutely no choice was left

Personality Characteristics


To make people more inclusive and active in their governence
Current Status
Lost and presumed dead at sea
Date of Birth
29 BF
Date of Death
31 AF
Circumstances of Birth
Only child of Empress Beling II
Circumstances of Death
Fell from a cliff trying to save his grandson.
Mor Daven
Place of Death
Lost Haven
Jade Green
Raven Black
1.85 Meters
83 kg
Founded Settlements


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