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Keelbiter Barnicles

"May Uloperana and their thrice cursed cult sink into the Eastern Ocean" -- unknown

Uloperana was a land of deep see traders. They first learned of The Empire when their merchant council sent exploreres west across the Great Blue, the body of water The Empire named the Eastern Ocean . When they learned of the rapid expansion of The Empire the merchant council decided something needed to be done to slow The Empire down and thus slow down their desire to expand across the ocean, thus giving Uloperana an advantage of trade. They payed vast sums to a cult of magicians to come up with various ways to slow imperial advance across the ocean. one of their methods was altering a strain of barnicles that made them more agressive and voracious in spreading once they affix to the keep of a ship

Basic Information


Averages 20 cm wide and up to 35 cm tall. It possess an almost impossibly large muscle fibers. This makes them must more efficient. Whatever they affix to is held tight and an insidious barbed hook hooks into it,

Genetics and Reproduction

Like all barnacles, the Keelbiter is hermaphrodite and reproduces by spermcasting. It is why they prefer to affix to ships so that they may travel farther and increase chances of successful reproduction

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed on plankton grabbed as they pass.

Biological Cycle

Keelbiter's life cycle has two distinct phases, the planktonic phase and the sessile phase. The planktonic phase has feeding and non feeding stags and the sessile phase contains both juvile and adult stages


Magical augmentation makes them desire to affix to moving wood and breed there.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Keelbiters were modified by magic so that when they feed on plankton they would create a toxin that would rot them if left in their system. It is expelled through tiny passages in their barbed hooks. It seems into the wood of a ship. Over time it can rot the wood
Acorn Barnacles that were modified via magic
Conservation Status
None, considered a blight by all who sail the seas.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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Aug 14, 2024 05:20

Twisting wildlife to protect one's own interest is diabolical! What keeps the deep sea merchant ships of Uloperana safe from these barnacles? Or are they a victim of their own hubris?

Aug 14, 2024 23:15

They fell victim as did the entirety of the Eastern Ocean save where the waters are near freezing. Either they did not know how far they would spread or didnt care. Uloperana eventually bent knee to the Empire but their leadership payed the ultimate price for their evil.