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Mercy Executioner

"Cowards and blights on their family's name are the only ones who accept being a Mercy Executioner."- common private sentiment of Imperial Society



Be a Citizen of the Empire that has been found guilty of felony crimes of a non treasonous nature.

Career Progression

Your status as a Mercy Executioner ends when you have to fulfill your duty once.

Other Benefits

If a citizen of The Empire has been found guilty of non-treasonous felony crimes then they request clemency for those crimes by becoming a Mercy Executioner. The citizen's sentence is commuted or waived at the Judges discretion. The price for this is that if a family member or known close companion at the time of the sentence is ever found guilty of a non-treasonous felony then their sentence will be death and the new Mercy Executioner will ordered to fullfill the Death Warrant



The stated purpose is to have common citizens who have broken the law to be granted clemancy and make them very invested in keeping those around them from breaking the law

Social Status

Most view those who take the role of a Mercy Executioner as pariah's. Those who would condemn those closest so as to escape justice.


Made into Law at the decree of Voldia II in 1157 BF. Was part of the Imperial judicial system until the Fall. The widespread distaste for those who would accept such a deal made accepting it that much more of a punishment which the Empire deemed acceptable



When the Death Warrant is signed the manner of death shall also be ajudicated and if it requires specialized tools (axe, rope, 4 horses excetra) will be issued to the Mercy Executioner along with their orders by the Judge who passed sentance.


To be ajudicated by the Judge passing sentence
Alternative Names
Bond Traitor, Coin passer
Imperial Law by Decree of Empress Voldia II


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