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One Heart One Home

"To see groups of Dongui greet each other is to see family coming back together. They may have never met each other but they are still family."- author unknown


When The Dongui first fled Imperial Expansions they formed five great caravans and four trading flotilla's. The Master Merchant's each had specific areas in which they would conduct trade. They also arranged regular rendevous with each other ever few years. This was first devised so that if any of the Dongui wished different markets they could switch to the another caravan. Over time this became a time of great celebration of being free and being Dongui. For the past ten centuries or so it has been a high event whenever two or more caravans or flotilla's come together. It is way to come together as one people who came from the same place.


It begins with the Master Merchant of each flotilla or Caravan drawing close at a spot between the two groups of Dongui designated by a flagstaff bearing the flag of the Dongui, only used for formal occaisions. Each Master Merchant is accompanied by a gift bearer or bearers.   The Master Merchants approach and join hands. The speak the ritual phrase "One Heart, One Home" in unison. They then bow and touch brows to each other. If more then two this is done as a group. Then the step away and, in order of greatest age first, present a gift to the other Master Merchant or Merchants. The gift is to be the profit of the most profitable trade in the past year. If there are more then two then the profit of the next most profitable and so on for more then three. The most valuable profit will be presented to the youngest of the gathering of three or more. This serves three purposes. It shares the wealth of the Dongui. It is a way to give support to a caravan or flotilla that has fallen on hard times. And finally, it is a visual decleration of how successful the Master Merchant has been. This last reason is to show any who would change caravan or flotilla is getting into.   After the exchange of gifts the Master Marchants kneel before the flag of Dongui and pledge their fealty and that of those they lead to the Dongui people.   After that a grand celebration is set up and executed in the space around the flag. Food, singing and dancing last long into the night.

Components and tools

Each caravan or flotilla possesses an Dongui flag. The flag is Green trimmed in gold with a single gold tower in the center of the field. The flag of the youngest Master Merchant involved sets the their caravan or flotilla's flag for the Meeting place.


The Master Merchant of each participating Caravan or Flotilla.


Anytime Dongui Caravans or Flotillas meet with each other
Related Ethnicities


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Aug 20, 2024 00:39 by Deleyna Marr

What a delightful way to meet fellow travellers!

Aug 20, 2024 11:30

The Dongui were a surprise to me when I first wrote about them. It didn't take long to fall in love with the concept and made the fleshing out of their culture a delight.