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Order of the Purple Shield

"Each of the Orders serve a purpose in the Kingdon's military except for the Order of the Purple Shield. Their purpose is to keep the monarch alive."- Duke Lothar Rivenspear, Fist Duke of the Duchy of Schild



They Order of the Purple Shield has a different manpower need when compared to the other Orders.  They are organized into Watches and have no peacetime or wartime differential in regards to number of members.   Watch- Senior Knight, Second in command (Knight), Ten Guardsmen   Total Command- 125 Watches


Each Knight of the Purple Shield has a number of kits for use depending on what duty they are assigned. Each knight is issued a suit of boiled leather scale armor, a suit of mail, a suit of half plate and a suit of full plate as well as shield and buckler.   Armsmen are issued A suit of boiled leather plate a suit of mail and a shield


Each knight is equipt with longsword, dagger, crossbow and lance.   Armsmen are equipt with longsword, crossbow and dagger


Each Knight has a battle-trained warhorse.


Commander of the Order- Knight Marshal Second in Command - Knight Captain Watch Leader - Senior Knight Senior Armsman- Shield Sargeant


The Order of the Purple Shield is tasked with the defense and preservation of the Royal Family. Their tactics and deployment are all centered around this fact.


To become a Knight of the Purple Shield spends between 6 and 15 years as a squire before they earn their spurs. During which they are trained in weapons, history, tactics, horsemanship, marksmenship, mathematics and literature. They recieve, in large part a better education then offered by most of the other orders   Armsmen undergo an 8 month training regime before they are allowed to be posted to a Watch.


Logistical Support

The Squires of the Order take care of a majority of the common labor needed to keep the organization operational. It also employes a dozens of smiths, horse handlers and healers to ensure the tasks that require specialized skills and or training are taken care of.


The Writ established the Kingdom of Sendilar as well as the seven duchies and seven knightly orders. Each order was given a primary responsibility in the Sendilar's military. The Duchy of Schild, was the smallest Duchy but it also held the Kingdom's capital. The Order of the Purple the Shield was given the charge of personal defense of the Monarch and their family. Since their creation no Ruler of Sendilar has fallen to assassination and only three in battle.

Historical loyalties

The entire Order is sword to defend the Monarch and as a matter of established Order and historical precedence place that duty higher then any other, including following that Monarch's orders that would place them in impossible to overcome danger.
5 AF
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 12, 2024 15:53 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the implication that a member of the purple shield can disobey an order from the monarch if they believe it will put the monarch in harm's way. I'm curious to know the significance of the purple shield as a symbol.