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Shadow dragons

"Had there been no Shadow Dragons then there would be no Empire."- Empress Shontalla the Implacable

Basic Information


Quadripedal lizard. Full length from snout to tail tip for both males and females is about 12 meters. Males average about 150 kg and femals about 130. They skeletal structure is extremely dense and very very difficult to break or fracture their bones. The bones of a shadow dragon make hafts and handles of superlative hardness.   The skin of a Shadow Dragon is where their true strength is. It emits a field that allows it to blend into whatever it is on with near perfect precision. This field also makes them almost completely silent. Rashid Bo, who would become the first Guildmaster of the Artisan's Guild of Bendi, later to be named The Imperial Artisan's Guild, discovered a method to turn the hide into armor and enhance the field to an area a foot or two outside the hides surface. This affect would last for almost an hour but then be unable to engage again for a full day. This led to the construction of the first suits of Shadow Armor

Genetics and Reproduction

They lay clutches of 3-5 eggs and incubate for 10-12 months

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn- 1 year   Juvenile- 1-4 years   Young Adult- 4-12 years   Adult- 12-24 years   Mature Adult- 24-35 years   Old Age- 35-50 Years

Ecology and Habitats

Mountain regions from below treeline to the uppermost peaks

Dietary Needs and Habits

The hunt and fish. They require a high amount of protien as well a particular tubar known as a geltiroot that grows wild and rampant in the Kelsic Range

Biological Cycle

Every two to three years they will undergo a three month cycle in which they shed their skins


They form prides of ten to twelve. They operate in ways very similar to lion prides

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sense of smell akin to a wolf as well as very very capable nightvision
Scientific Name
The Shadow Dragon of the Kelsic Range- Imperial Bureau of Natural Resources classification
Believed to be descendants of ancient dragons of legend
Conservation Status
During the reign of the Empire the entire Kelsic Range was off limits without Imperial Permit under punishment of immediate execution, any method and at the complete Judgment of the senior most Imperial officer or Official who captures them on site. Imperial Judges are granted this if captured after investigation. Since the Empire's Fall few will go near since it has become almost taboo to go near the mountains.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by


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