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The Grave Fox

"Bury them deep and cover them with stone or blue eyed shadows will still eat them to the bone"- author unknown

Basic Information


Grave Foxes are built like their cousin the Red Fox with slightly heavier shoulders. The only other differences was coloring. Grave Foxes are mostly grey with solid black on the underside. Their eyes are universally dark blue.   They their paws are able to be spread farther then any other breed of fox. That and their durable claws make them excellent diggers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Same as other breeds with a gestation period of 50-60 days

Ecology and Habitats

Ideally a pack of Grave Foxes will make their den near points where they can secure their two preferred types of food. Mushrooms and rotting meat

Dietary Needs and Habits

Grave Foxes are omnivores like most foxes. But they have a preference and they have learned where to acquire it. They prefer mushrooms and rotting meat. No real study has every ascertained why or how this peculiar dietary preference came from.   They will dig up bodies in graveyards and use almost sapper like technique to tunnel into tombs where they can find grave shrooms and carrion.

Biological Cycle

Grave Foxes, like all foxes, are active all year round. They are always seeking food and will move to new territory if they cannot not Den long term near food sources


The Grave Fox is a solitary hunter, however areas with large food potential, like large graveyards, may have several adult Grave Foxes in the area who tend to ignore each other unless a marked grave is poached.   However, if other predators enter the area the skulk of all grey foxes in the vicinity forms drive the predator away. Immediately after victory or defeat they disband and go their own way.   A skulk can also form if large herds of non predators pass near. The skulk will work in unison to fell as many before being driven off or the heard flees. A bit of dominance establishing among the skulk to determine pecking order and each is left with it's share of the hunt. Grave foxes will drag they kills away to private dens to let the meat begin to rot. This allows them to take large game down in winter and let it slowly rot in the cold, giving them meat all winter long. A skulk of Grave Foxes can and if provoked, attack parties of armed humans as well. From Dusk till full Dawn, Grave Foxes move as if invisible at night and with their sense of smell nothing ever gets the drop on them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary unless driven to for a group or Skulk for temporary goals



Uses, Products & Exploitation

Criminals have been known to leave bodies near graveyards where Grave Foxes have been seen and just trust them to deal with the body... which they almost always do

Average Intelligence

above average for foxes as a whole. Very Very cunning when they form a skulk

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All foxes have excellent senses. A Grave Fox is no different with superb hearing and eyesight. But their sense of smell is unrivaled among fox breeds. They need it to smell out graves and carrion.
5-10 years, longer then almost any other fox
Conservation Status
Average Height
.4 -.6 m
Average Weight
3 - 15 kg
Average Length
.45 - .75 m
Average Physique
Heavy shoulders for digging make the Grave Fox a muscular breed of fox
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Predominately grey fur that darkens to black on their undersides. All Grave Foxes have blue eyes


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