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To Learn Too Much

"To Study those that were cast into the Outer Dark is to court corruption. The wise study other topics." Mikel Silverlight

Those who would study demons all know one thing. At some point in your study... you will reach a point of no return and you will attempt to summon demons. It is not a set point or specific piece of knowledge learned that does it. It's a matter of a persons personal awareness of self. those who are firm in knowing who and what they are can delve farther then those who are less adamant in that personal knowledge. it


When Demons were banished to The Outer Dark there were humans who wished them back, either to serve them or have the demons serve their own interests. The very nature of Demons brings out the worst in humanity which is why the gods sacrificed direct influence in the world to cast them out. Humanity had recently begun to advance and record their own history. The oldest of those histories tell of the two ancient Orders, Dawn and Dusk, battled. One to keep demons in the Outer Dark and the other sought their return. It was the taint of learning too much about demons that the Order of Dawn fought against. Even after the Order of Dusk was defeated and destroyed the taint persisted. Anytime someone studied demons they risked the taint.


If the study of Demons is done alone then the desire to summon demons will be harder to resist. In a group there is exists more oportunities to resist the urge. As the person studies an influence begins to exert itself, subtly directing what to research and what to learn. Once this begins the study of ritual summoning is next. Once that is learned then the afflicted will summon a demon.

Components and tools

Access to believed information concerning Demons


Any who study demons run the risk of crossing the line and summoning demons will an unresistable urge.
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