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Vinenor Pirates

"The Vinenor come to port the Innkeepers groan, When the Vinenor set sail the merchants quail." - Bengona proverb

Naming Traditions

Family names

Always something Declarative and descriptive such as Stoutsail, Keeneye, Silversaber for example. If a member of a family does something particularly notworthy then taking a new family name to denote this is not uncommon


Culture and cultural heritage

Captain Exemos Vinenor was a Pirate who operated in the Heldin Ocean from 1923 BF to 1896 BF. His reputation was legendary as was is largesse while in port. He gathered a small flotilla of like minded captains and they sailed and pirated with almost impunity.

Shared customary codes and values

While on the sea all is fair game. Any ship of any flag may be targeted if one is brave enough to attempt it.   While in port all are family.

Common Etiquette rules

Any who sail with their ensigns trimmed in crimson claim to stand for the way of Captain Extem Vinenor. That One may sail and do what one wishes while on the waves but to treat all as family while in port. Only Vinenor who have a personal grudge will target another who bears the crimson trim.  Those that due must declare their reasons before a tribunal of captains to determine if justified. If not then the captain is stripped of their captaincy and must serve as common sailor aboard another ship after a severe flogging. If any see another crimson trimmed flag in danger almost all will sail headlong into that same danger with a broad demon may care grin.   While in Port they are loud and friendly. They insist everyone around them must live to the fullest and every night needs to be the best night of their lives. When a Vinenor ship comes to part the party just began and will not end till they sail away.

Common Dress code

Bright colored loose clothing

Art & Architecture

Vinenor Pirates have the best shanties and everyone knows i

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Any Crimson Trimmed flagged ship that sounds three horn blasts every minute or so is requesting aid and any Vinenor Pirate who hears it is compelled to render assistance. If captains encounter each other in port they are expected to buy a round for the ther captain's ship.

Funerary and Memorial customs

A ledger of the dead is kept for every Vinenor ship. Any who fall while serving over the history of the ship is kept and many a ship has ledgers from ships who have sunk or been decommissioned. Those ledgers are always sought to be saved in the avent of a sinking ship

Common Taboos

Fights in Port. Only declared challenges, and they are frequent, are allowed. Uncontrolled brawls are not

Historical figures

The founder, Captain Exemos Vinenor


Beauty Ideals

Completely subjective to the individual tastes

Gender Ideals

Completely Subjective. The mentality of ultimate freedom means ultimate freedom to make ones own decisions about oneself

Courtship Ideals

Generally very abrupt and direct.

Relationship Ideals

To find a partner to sail the seas and support one anothers goals and dreams till the waves claim us.


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