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Adventurers Guild

​The Guild is responsible for setting rank (levels) and administering work contracts. ​   ​All individuals seeking full membership in the Adventurer's Guild must successfully pass through Hogan's Alley. The Alley presents a series of challenges design to test the abilities of those seeking admission to the Adventurer's Guild. ​

Public Agenda

The reach of the Adventurer's Guild since its founding has crept further outward from settled areas. While it may be possible to conduct unsanctioned adventuring activities is some of the more outlying areas of the Orb, it is generally inadvisable as word of these activities more often then not finds its way back to the Guild.​


​The Adventurer's Guild was founded in 801 (Year of the Morbidly Obese Peahen) to regulate sword-swinging and spell-slinging activities in urban areas so as to protect a city's or town's residents from the dangers of friendly fire.​
Guild, Adventuring
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


Any individual may join the Adventurer's Guild, and membership for those of the 1st and 2nd rank is free. However, those of rank 3 or higher who wish to participate in activities monitored by the Adventurer's Guild must be members in good standing of the Guild, Tasks available to those of less than the 3rd rank are minor in nature, involving little physical danger and receiving a commensurate level of compensation.

Fees, beginning at Rank 3, are Level # Level X 10 gp.

​Paperwork must be completed in order for tasks to be Guild Sanctioned. Paperwork can be completed before or after the task is completed, and it isn't uncommon for the people to have access to Adventurer's Guild Task Requisition forms.​

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