Double Axe Training

Written by EltonJ

Like double bladed swordsmanship, double axe training had become a thing for fighters. The principle art was lost to the ages, but it has been taught to certain orcs since Dorak. The art was nearly lost after the collapse of the first Kingdom of Kara'Kar. However, there is renewed interest in the art amongst grunts. Some grunts would seek out people who could teach the art. And there sprang up two schools dedicated to the art during the Second Kingdom. One led by Karta "Foultongue" Starkbleeder and the other led by Rudarl Lonechampion. The first attracted the most unstable of grunts, while the second attracted the most stable. Even Paladins would learn the art.   The first school is taught on Bonechewer grounds, while the second is found among the Snow Wolf clan. Thus there are two separate schools of the art. The unhonorable school and the honorable school. And there arised two martial arts with their own techniques about wielding two axes in combat.  

Rolemaster Statistics

Advanced Weapon Skill [35 style points]
Recommended Skills — Hand Axe Weapon Skill, Frenzy, Meditation, Adrenal Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting
Weapon Style Abilities [Core] — Hand axe melee attack [5 points]; Lesser Adrenal Defense [10 points]; +10 bonus to Frenzy [15 style points]; +10 bonus to Feint (armed) [5 points]  

Pathfinder Statistics

The following feats can simulate Double Axe Training: Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Combat Expertise, and Improved Feint


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