History of the Aboriginal Orcs

Map of the first orc territories
Orc Territory, map 1 by Elton Robb
The orcs had an initial hard time colonizing Lemurias. Although they arrived in spring, they planted their crops too late and it was almost hard to bring the old civilized orcs down into society. A few accepted the old code of honor, but some did not. The orcs did find new animals to hunt (gazelle, impala, white-tailed deer, and the aurochs) but most of the civilized diets found it hard. At least their pack animals -- mostly wargs -- were well fed.

The Gnolls

In the winter, things became hard. That was when the local gnolls arrived to actually teach the orcs how to survive in the wintery conditions. They taught them all about surviving and why it is good to eat meat. Raw or cooked, it should be consumed. The gnolls essentially taught the orcs how to eat like a predator, and not like prey. The orcs then survived their first winter, but three tribes of the gnolls made their first contribution to the Horde during the Battle of Bloody Snows.  

The Battle of Bloody Snows

Map of the battles
Map of the two major orc battles by Elton Robb
What led up to the Battle of Bloody Snows was that the for the first time during the fall, the orcs met a couple of elves. Now elves don't like orcs and the orcs return the dislike. Almost immediately, a skirmish developed. Then, during the first snow of the orcs' second year, the orcs faced the elves for the first time. What was worse was that they were Pelagasiri Elves, the most aboriginal elves of all. The battle took place during the first snows. The result was that the orcs did win, but with only the help from three troll tribes and three gnoll tribes. But the elves avowed revenge. However, orc blood and elf blood alike colored the snows with red.  

The Battle of the Leopard

The second battle between the two races became known as the Battle of the Leopard and established a solid border between Orc territory and Elf territory. It started with elf raids into Orc territory. Many orc women, children, and men were raped and their stores were pillaged. It was then when Azuk the Destroyer led an army of orcs -- barely trained to fight in the new land of Kara'Kar -- into battle with the elves. It was a slaughter of both orc and elf, and Azuk himself fell before the enemy. It was at that moment that Dorak, the son of Azuk, took up his father's sword and slew the Elf King Cendirion in a mighty swoop. Although much orc and elf blood was spilled, the borders were set and there was a cool respect between the races. Dorak was named the Leopard for his heroic killing of King Cendirion.   Induction of new tribes into the Horde Dorak Leopard became Warchief of the Arctic Wolf clan after his father Azuk the Destroyer. As the gnolls and trolls were allies in the battle, he formally inducted them into the Horde. From the Gnolls, they were the Blondhaired tribe, the Frostpaws, and the Bonegnawers. From the trolls, they were the Risen Boulder tribe, the Hidden Arrow tribe, and the Eternal Mountain caste. It was then that they were formally inducted into the Horde.  


Empire map
First Empire Map by Elton Robb
Faced with the Elves on the south and firmly entrenched in the mountains, the Horde had to Expand into the land northward. And things began to change. The Horde will control a large part of the territory of the Steppes, face new challenges as an organization, and effectually build an Empire over the humans in the area. So the orcs expanded Northward. Making colonies and they go. And new clans were created: the Bonegnawers (orc), the Skullsplitters, and the Ironjaw clans.   Dorak the Leopard then first established the first capital city, known as Azuk'kanmor, named after his own father. Having conquered many human (and non-human) lands, Dorak started to rule wisely. He allowed the orcs to continue their shamanistic traditions and the worship of the spirits. The First Empire of Kara'kar was established and the land itself became known as Kara'Kar eventually. For almost two thousand years, the empire was ruled wisely by Dorak's descendants.  

Decline of the First Empire of Kara'Kar

  At first, the horde had no rivals. But they made a mistake, attacking the Olivaen Elves. Figuring that elf territory was theirs by right, a large orc army attacked the elves at their home at Oliveas. The elves reacted psionically. The psychic attack brought by the elves brought the army's cohesion to it's knees as every orc was forced to fight their brother. In fact, the entire Hidden Arrow tribe of Jungle Trolls was fractured by the psychic attack.   The result was the Tribe of Shattered Minds. The Shattered Mind tribe thought, through their madness and delirium, that the Empire was theirs by right. And in this way, the Horde juggernaut was stopped. Eventually, the Tribe of Shattered Minds did attack -- at the cost of their lives -- but this ruined the empire even as the Black Sea was created in a terrible flood.  

The Indo-European Migration

Empire map
First Empire Map by Elton Robb
After the Great Flood, the humans split into three groups. The White Indo-Europeans, the Semites, and the Hamites. The Whites divided into three and then divided into nations. The two nations of concern are the Indo-European Gomer and Magog which conquered Orc Territory. The Orcs were pushed aside, having no power or the organization to defend themselves, they were forced east. Despite their Occidental Culture.[1]   Gomer Pushes West, Magog conquers East. Gomer is concerned with a Linear world view, and Magog is concerned with a cyclical world view. From Gomer comes Western Civilization, and from Magog comes Eastern Civilization.   During the Migratory period, the orcs stayed out of the way of the human armies. They don't concern themselves with the humans, so why care? Only two tribes joined the humans. One particular clan -- the precursors of the Bonechewers -- joined the humans for glory in Aryavarta (then called Dravidistan). Another joined Gomer, but ended up in the highlands. The Orcs soon got their lands back, however, the nation that is Magog would have another invasion. During the Assyrian Empire.  

The Israelite Migration

Four hundred years before Alexander, before the Greeks measured their Calendar by the Olympiad Cycle, the Assyrians attacked the tiny Phoenician nation of Israel. Composed of the ten tribes, the King of Assyria exported large amounts of Israelites to protect his northern borders from the Elves and other races (say orcs and Amazons).   The orcs had to share their land again. With Scythians, Massagaetae, and other tribes of Israel. Raids by the Elves and into human territory wasn't enough. It was time for the second Kingdom.  

The Second Kingdom of Kara'Kar

Second Orc Nation Map
Map of the Second Kingdom by Elton Robb
  The Second Kingdom of Kara'Kar was formed when Kalimag Ironfist forged the tribes together due to the invasions by the Israelites, which were mostly moving to new lands; and the Indo-Europeans. When Nineveh was finally sacked by the Babylonians, they had to deal with migrating Assyrians as well. So, Kalimag became the Warchief of the Hidden Pheonix clan. They conquered the land, and settled permanently in the city of Kardamoor. While the various clans kept their clan and aboriginal culture; Kardamoor became a place where the orcs can experience sophistication.  

The Babylonian Empire

  Soon, the Assyrian Empire destabilizes and gives away to the Empire of the Chaldeans -- or the new Babylonian Empire. It wasn't to last, but the Empire controlled the fertile crescent. Known as the golden empire, the orcs had little trouble with them and they did what they could do to trade. The second Kara'Kar Horde maintained their unity.  

The Aryan Empire

  However, the Second Orcish Horde faced their greatest test when they faced the Forces of the Aryans. The Aryans, also called the Persians, managed to actually destroy Kardamoor and split the horde up into clans. However, they only burned Kardamoor, and people soon returned to pick up the pieces and build a new city on a different site. It was then that the Hidden Phoenix clan received it's first arcane leader in many years. And also it's dominance was challenged by the sons of Dorak; who wanted a new united horde under a scion of Dorak the Leopard. Meanwhile, emissaries were forced to bow to a foreign king and hide their mouths as if their breaths could poison the air that the Aryan King breathed -- in Persepolis.  

Alexander the Great

    Present Time


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