Ranger Archery

Rangers often have the opportunity to be good archers. While, unlike battle archery training (which they may train in), ranger archery is used in hunting only. The style had it's start with the orcs. When the aboriginal orcs came to Lemurias (Earth), they had retained their style of archery. Although it was the gnolls who taught the orcs on how to use their bows in hunting. The orcs had to relearn archery and the way of the ranger. However, as orcs trained in archery, they could better bring down game with their arrows.   The style of ranger archery had existed since the formation of the First Kingdom of Kara'Kar. It was reborn among the orcs, and the gnolls already understood it. When the trolls joined, they had to learn the archery techniques for hunting as well. The trolls learned how to make bows and arrows from the woods that were on the steppes. So they too, understood how to hunt. As bow hunting became prevalent, the orcs could survive in the wilds. Also, the orc rangers learned magic, Channeling magic, in order to hunt more effectively. Through this style, the orcs learned how to target more effectively to bring down their kills easier. They also learned how draw the drawstrings with better strength.   The style is continued to be taught. It's taught among all member races of the Horde. Whether they are orc, troll, gnoll, or drow. There exists several archery yards where rangers can continue to train. Although they aren't taught to draw their bows fast, they are taught techniques that will bring down their prey much quicker and easier.  

Rolemaster Statistics

Basic Weapon Style [30 style points]
Recommended Skills — Longbow missile weapon skill, Composite bow missile weapon skill, short bow missile weapon skill, Alertness, Adrenal Strength
Weapon Style Abilities [Core]—All bows attack [10 points]; -10 to range penalties [10 points]; +5 bonus to Adrenal Strength [10 points]  

Pathfinder Statistics

Use the Archery combat style located on page 65 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.


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