Troll Spear Style

A style developed by the trolls for use in hunting. The jungle trolls rely on this style for their hunting needs. Spears are, at first glance, unwieldy. But they prove to be versatile and can be used to parry swords. They also can be thrown to impale prey. Although the weapon style's origin has been lost to time, the troll Zaejin taught the style to the orcs during the First Kingdom of Kara'Kar. When the kingdom of Kara'Kar collapsed, the style survived among Horde hunters.   The spear is a versatile weapon, and has uses outside of hunting. Troll spear men are usually found in the Horde's armies, and they use the spear during combat. There are over two hundred schools in the Second Kingdom of Kara'Kar among the trolls and the orcs. Trolls have developed sophisticated techniques using the spear, and they teach these to the rest of the Horde. The trolls teach proper stance, the proper use of the spear, and effective ways of carrying the spear. As a result, the spear had gained some popularity among orc grunts, but is still the proper weapon for use by trolls.  

Rolemaster Statistics

Advanced Weapon Style [35 style points]
Recommended Skills — Spear weapon skill, Feint, Adrenal Defense
Weapon Style Abilities [Core] — Lesser Adrenal Defense [10 points]; Spear melee attack [5 points]; spear thrown attack [5 points]; +10 bonus to Feint manuevers [5 points]; Movement penalties are halved when throwing the spear [10 points]  

Pathfinder Statistics

The following feats replicate the Troll Spear style: Weapon Focus (Spear), Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Dodge  


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