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The Deal with the Sea

The city of Cetina was no stranger to legends and tales of divine intervention, but one particular story stood out, forever etched into the annals of history. Lady Vedania Mella Ofandrus, the esteemed arch-mage, was a woman of remarkable wisdom and ambition. In her pursuit of knowledge and power, she sought to make a deal with a deity of the Olympian Pantheon – Lord Poseidon, the God of the Sea. In a moment of daring, Lady Vedania approached the powerful deity, offering a proposition that would serve both parties. She proposed that the Order, under her guidance, would construct two grand statues and a magnificent museum in honor of Lord Poseidon. In return, she requested a great boon – the temporary loan of Poseidon's trident to her middle child, Anrynna Ofandrus.   The deal was struck, and Poseidon, intrigued by the audacity and promise of such an exchange, agreed to the terms. With a wave of his divine hand, the deal was sealed, and the construction of the statues and museum began, signifying a powerful alliance between mortals and a god.   Anrynna Ofandrus, filled with awe and excitement, took possession of the trident. With its power coursing through her veins, she felt an immense surge of authority. However, Lady Vedania soon recognized the dangers of wielding such divine power and its potential consequences for the city and its inhabitants.   Realizing the weight of her decision, Lady Vedania acted swiftly, bringing an end to her child's borrowing of the trident after a mere five hours. In her wisdom, she understood that the safety and well-being of her people must always come first, even if it meant forgoing such a unique opportunity.   Despite the short-lived possession of the trident, Lord Poseidon's end of the deal was fulfilled without compromise. The statues of the sea deity stood tall on each side of the bay, overlooking the waters with divine majesty. The museum, a testament to the might and wonder of the ocean, became a symbol of reverence to Poseidon.   The tale of Lady Vedania's audacious deal with the god of the sea echoed through generations, a testament to her courage and wisdom in dealing with powers beyond mortal comprehension. The statues and museum remain a lasting tribute to the extraordinary alliance between the Order and the Olympian Pantheon, a reminder of the harmony between mortals and gods in the grand city of Cetina. And while the trident's presence was fleeting, the lessons learned and the understanding gained from this divine encounter became an integral part of the city's history, shaping the future with profound significance.
Completion Date
13th of The Age of Darkness
Plot type
The deal between Lord Poseidon and Lady Vedania
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