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The meeting of X

As First Lt. Freiderich encounters Lady Vernalidyss after such a long time, his German-based mannerism and words reflect the weight of centuries that have passed. His tone is deep and grave, carrying a sense of haunting eternity.   As he looks upon Lady Vernalidyss, the recognition in his crimson eyes is unmistakable, and a subtle glimmer of emotion flickers through his undead façade. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking, the weight of ancient memories resurfacing.   "Lady Vernalidyss... It has been an Ewigkeit (eternity) since our paths crossed in the lost lands. Ich sehe (I see), you have not changed much...unfortunately. Ah, the memories of that time linger like forgotten echoes. Your drachen (Draconic) race always stood as a bitter reminder of what ich (I) once was, what ich (I) have become."   He pauses, the moments stretching like an abyss before continuing:   "Though fate has bound me to die Dienst of Frau Rosaria (the service of Lady Rosaria), Ich (I) must admit that your presence still rouses old ressentiments (resentments). Aber (But), such is the nature of Ewigkeit (eternity), and we are but pawns in the grand tapestry of darkness. Alas, I digress. Tell me, what brings you back from the shadows after all these years?"   Despite his undead state and apparent disdain for Lady Vernalidyss's race, there is an undeniable undercurrent of curiosity and guarded interest in her return, hinting that beneath the centuries of bitterness, a semblance of the past relationship still lingers in the depths of his undead heart.   "Aber (but), Lady Vernalidyss, you must understand. Mein Dienst to Frau Rosaria (My service to Lady Rosaria) is unending, my love for her ist unsterblich (is immortal). In her presence, time loses its meaning, and our bond is forged in darkness itself. Your companions and you cannot make me fail in my mission."     "Ich (I) am bound to keep die Urwesen (the primal being): Balance chained, drawing out its power, and, if need be, destroying it. Its existence threatens the delicate equilibrium Lady Rosaria holds over the realms. This is my purpose, my destiny, and Ich (I) shall fulfill it with unwavering loyalty."     "Ich (I) was once like you, a mere mortal, but now, Ich (I) am transformed into an undying servant of darkness. Du (you) and your companions cannot comprehend the depths of my devotion to Lady Rosaria. Our connection is beyond mortal comprehension.     "So, go on, try to thwart my efforts, but know that Ich (I) will not waver. My love for Lady Rosaria, and my service to her, will endure beyond time itself. You are but fleeting mortals in the face of eternity."   In this dialogue, First Lt. Freiderish emphasizes the eternal nature of his love for Lady Rosaria and the unyielding dedication to his mission.   As First Lt. Freiderish draws the legendary sword, a glimmer of recognition may pass through Lady Vernalidyss's eyes as she sees the blade. His voice echoes with a blend of haunting memories and determination:   "Ah, Ich (I) see the glimmer of recognition in your eyes, Lady Vernalidyss. The Obsidian sword; Soulbane, the very same blade that your uncle, Chaygayryth, wielded in his human form as Emperor Lucian Darkheart. It was a boon bestowed upon me by Lady Rosaria herself when Ich (I) was ordered to 'wash away' the Darkheart lineage."   His grip on the sword tightens, and the dark energy surrounding the blade seems to pulse with malevolent power:   "Your family's legacy was a thorn in the side of Lady Rosaria's reign, and she entrusted me with the task of eradicating that threat. Ich (I) was but a new undead then, a vessel of her will. Now, Ich (I) stand as a testament to her unsterbliche Herrschaft (immortal dominion) , bound to her will for all Ewigkeit (eternity)."   He takes a step forward, his crimson eyes locking onto Lady Vernalidyss with an intensity that betrays his undying devotion:   "It is no mere Zufall (coincidence) that our paths have crossed again, Lady Vernalidyss. Freu (lady) Rosaria's machinations reach far beyond mortal comprehension. Du (you) and your companions shall not impede my mission. This sword, once wielded by your own blood, shall be the instrument of your undoing, should you dare to stand in our way."   "Es tut mir leid, Lady Vernalidyss (I'm sorry, Lady Vernalidyss), but you are the protegée of the Order of Lucian, and it is at my hands that your fate lies."   His voice carries a somber weight as he speaks of the impending fate:   "The path you chose has brought you to the crossroads of darkness, and my loyalty to Frau Rosaria (Lady Rosaria) demands a heavy toll. I am but an instrument in the symphony of fate, and it falls upon me to carry out this grave task."   The Obsidian Vorpal Sword in his hand seems to hum with dark power as he continues:   "Your destiny is entwined with mine, as it was pre-ordained long before your return. The strings of destiny are woven, and I am bound to the unyielding will of my queen. This task of ending your life is both exhilarating and memorable."   ROLL INITATIVE!   He locks eyes with Lady Vernalidyss once more, his gaze holding a mix of sorrow and conviction:   "I know this burden may be hard to bear, but our roles are set, and I shall fulfill my duty without hesitation. My loyalty to Frau Rosaria (Lady Rosaria) surpasses all, and I must follow where the path of darkness leads."

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