Quar Stone Rose Species in The Order of the Lost Archmagus | World Anvil

Quar Stone Rose

The Quar Stone Rose is a strange and almost parasitic flower. Being quite complicated and strange, below is a detailed outline of it's biology and nature.
The Quar Stone Rose blooms only once every nine years. One single flower, with one single seed known as the Heart. As such, it spreads slowly and rarely, for the chances that a creature comes along to be pollinated, is very rare. If a creature does indeed eat the flower that blooms and ingests the Heart whole, then the Quar Stone Rose moves onto the next stage of it's life. If however, the Heart is crushed or spat out, then the seed will remain where it falls, and will likely never grow into a new flower.
If the Heart is properly ingested, then the next stage is the incubation. The Heart will spout three vines that will work it's way into the stomach of the creature that ingested it, and there it will feed upon the victim, slowly growing larger and larger, though the heart remains the same size, it's vines grow in number and in size, reaching throughout the body. The victim will begin to feel somewhat constipated at first, and then develop stomach cramps. Then will follow dry heaving and rectal bleeding. Following that there will be a shortness of breath, followed by extreme discomfort, followed by pain. At this point the Heart has infested most of the body. The victim, finally, will develop intense migraines before the Heart's vines finally enter the brain, and take control of the host. The incubation period is finished.
The third stage of the Quar Stone Rose's life, is it's birth. The Heart takes the victim and travels as far away from society as possible, before the victim's body fails. It takes the victim to a remote location ideally populated by many rocks. It will then have the victim carve out it's own stomach and place it upon a rock, where the Heart will latch onto the stone, and meld with it. In order to have the energy to properly fuse with the rock, the Heart will at this point kill it's host and consume it's body, excreting an extremely acidic substance from it's vines and sucking up the nutrients via said vines. As it feeds on it's host, it will grow a hard outer shell, and two primary polyps that, when the Heart has finished eating, will launch out with force and fasten to the rock.
At this point, the Quar Stone Rose has finished it's adolescence, and sprouts a 'flower' of its own. This flower is actually it's stomach, and it will first attract small prey which the Rose will then devour, and it will continue to hunt for nine years, until the corpses of it's prey are digested and compacted into a new Quar Stone Rose heart, at which point, it blooms for the first time.

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