ARL-0 (Public)
Description: Information or areas with no restrictions, freely accessible to the general public.
Access: No security clearance needed. Open to all.
Example Usage: A publicly displayed artifact with no anomalous properties.
ARL-1 (Limited)
Description: Information or areas requiring minimal security clearance. Typically non-sensitive but controlled data or locations.
Access: Basic security clearance required. Open to all authorized personnel.
Example Usage: Administrative records of low-level anomalous activities.
ARL-2 (Confidential)
Description: Restricted information or areas, accessible only to authorized personnel with sufficient clearance.
Access: Requires level 2 clearance. Access controlled and monitored.
Example Usage: Documents detailing standard containment procedures for low-risk anomalies.
ARL-3 (Restricted)
Description: Highly sensitive information or areas, requiring higher levels of clearance and security measures.
Access: Strictly limited to personnel with level 3 clearance or above.
Example Usage: Detailed reports on anomalous entities or phenomena that pose moderate risks.
ARL-4 (Secret)
Description: Information or areas of critical importance, accessed under stringent security protocols.
Access: Exclusive to personnel with level 4 clearance. Requires rigorous vetting and authorization.
Example Usage: Strategic plans for managing high-threat anomalous entities.
ARL-5 (Top Secret)
Description: The highest level of restriction for extremely sensitive or dangerous information and areas.
Access: Only accessible to personnel with level 5 clearance. Extremely limited and heavily monitored.
Example Usage: Compartmentalized information about existential anomalies or top-level strategic defense protocols.