Myrah (/ˈmaɪ.ɹʌ/ or "MY-ruh")

Myrah was summoned by the Wizard as a companion and servant of the king.

Divine Domains

Myrah is a Level 1 daemon succubus. Unlike the more infamous of this kind, these companion daemons are more suited to act as confidants and assistants rather than infernal temptresses. This allows for greater flexibility in alignment and morality.

Holy Books & Codes

Like all summoned spirits, Myrah is subject to the Spirit Code.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Myrah is quasi-corporeal. For the most part, she behaves as a physical being subject to all of the normal laws of physics, such as gravity, temperature, and pressure. However, the situation becomes a bit problematic when another living being wishes to interact with her physically, especially other human beings—likely a characteristic of Level 1 succubus daemons.

Special abilities

Like most succubi, Myrah is highly charismatic and attractive. But also being a helpful daemon, she is also very empathetic and sagely wise, which makes her kind well suited to being loyal confidants to the humans they bond with. She is also very observant and perceptive, particularly of the behaviors of others—another good talent they lend to their bonded, particularly when diplomacy and negotiation is warranted.

Personality Characteristics


Like all summoned spirits, Myrah is subject to the Spirit Code. Thus, her motivations are secondary to the will of the one to whom she is bonded. However, since the king treats her as a free individual and has encouraged her to follow her own desires and goals, Myrah tends to express her real motivations much more openly than most other .   If asked, Myrah will tell you that her first and most important desire to to please the king and serve him faithfully. When further prompted, her goals are much more simple. She wants to find a warm tropical island and go swimming, she will often say. Or she wants to learn how to knit.
Divine Classification
minor daemon
Neutral-to-Chaotic Good
icy aqua
thick, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
deep green
5' 2" (157.5 cm)
Relationship Note:
The queen hates Myrah. She calls her "that Green Woman".

Character Portrait image: by Shaudawn


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