The Quacking Octopus Pub

The Quacking Octopus is a pub in Sanctum, popular with the local fishing and crabbing workers. It serves good and greasy pub food with English and Irish dishes, from fish and chips to Irish stew. It is a loud and rowdy place, but it always in good spirits.

The proprietor, Grolturk, is unusual in the archipelago for being an Orckind. He is an imposing figure but described as convivial. His staff are also multiracial and not of typical of Human ancestry—mostly involving Elven, Halfling, and Gnomish ancestry.

The pub's mascot is a comically rendered (and some say "adorable") octopus with a duck's bill protruding from the middle of their eight arms.

Purpose / Function

Like a lot of pubs, the main purpose for this establishment is one of gathering and community, followed by a good drink, good food, and a little entertainment. Those who work in the Sanctum fishing industry have claimed this place, but visitors always say they feel welcomed when they come in.


It is a one-storey, country-style mock Tudor building with a sizable fireplace chimney. You could call it a cozy place, full of tables and booths where the patrons will usually find themselves shoulder-to-shoulder with other patrons. Somehow the wait staff seem to lithely maneuver about any crowd laden with hot dishes and cold drinks.

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location


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