
Trolls, also called the Spawn of Vaprak or the Undying Ones,[6] were a ravenous, predatory species of giant humanoid found throughout almost all the regions and types of climates in Faerûn,[7] from arctic wastes to tropical jungles,[8] and came in several sub-species. They were uncivilized,[1] monstrous creatures with voracious appetites that roamed from one area to the next feeding upon whatever they could.[9] While some classified them as giants,[10] trolls had no confirmed relation to either Annam All-Father or Othea and thus did not qualify as either true giants or giant-kin.

Basic Information


Troll senses were unbalanced. They possessed poor hearing and a sensitivity to light, but superior olfactory senses.[8]   Troll regeneration B&B A troll showing off its regenerative powers.   Perhaps the most well-known factoid of trolls was their infamous regeneration. Whether a slash in its rubbery hide, or a dismembered limb, trolls could rapidly heal through most wounds. Only acid or fire could arrest the regeneration properties within a troll's flesh.[1] Dismembered limbs would continue to attack at opponents even after being severed.[8]   Because of the regenerative properties of troll blood, it was extremely valuable. The blood that could be extracted from one troll was worth upwards of 400 gp. This green viscous liquid was used in the manufacture of poisons, antidotes and certain potions of healing.[8]   Due to the adaptive nature of their physiology, trolls were especially susceptible to mutation. Although it was uncommon, actions taken throughout a troll's life could result in a physical or behavioral change, within the same generation.[1]   When in heat, trolls exuded what was called "mate-rut" a foul-smelling to other species odor that signaled other trolls they were ready to breed. Experienced adventurers could recognize the smell from a distance.[12]

Ecology and Habitats

Habitats Although they could be encountered nearly anywhere, trolls were most often found in dense forests and subterranean locales,[8] including the Underdark,[11] and fed on whatever they get could rend with their claws.[9]   Trolls were commonly found in a large number of areas that earned their name based on their populations, such as the Troll Mountains in Amn[23] and the similarly named Troll (or Trollcrag) Mountains in the Vast[24][25] as well as the Trollbark Forest.[26]   Larger species of trolls, such as those found in Halruaa, and a species that were common in the areas surrounding the Sea of Fallen Stars,[14] preferred mountainous areas.[17] A large, muscular type of troll was also found in the Utter East's Serpent Valley and Web Mountains; wielding massive clubs, they were territorial and typically guarded bridges and huts.[27] The smaller varieties tended to live more in the forests. The trolls of the Chondalwood, colloquially known as muskwarts were expert hunters within the region,[16] while the small and stealthy tree trolls originated from the Evermoors. Conflicts with giants caused their migration into the High Forest, where they fought against fey creatures such as pixies.[19]   Lairs Troll dens were filthy places, led by a matriarchal shamanistic female.[8] This female-led dynamic extended into their faith as well, as each clan attributed their founding to an ancestor known as a great mother, which they believed was a daughter of the ogre-deity, Vaprak.[10]


Trolls hunted most other living creatures and were never concerned about the size or number of their prey.[9] They had absolutely no fear of death.[7] In combat, they flailed wildly with their clawed hands and used as a fierce bite, but seldom wielded weapons. On occasion they would throw large stones before closing the gap with their prey[8]


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