Mere of Dead Men

Criminal Activity


The party arrives at the Mere and stumbles upon a lizardfolk camp. A quick skirmish erupts, but the party is victorious. They leave one lizard alive: Snapjaw. He tells the party of the castle in the Mere, of the cult that inhabits it, and of the bullywugs that treat the lizardfolk as servants. He agrees to lead them to the castle if they will agree to take down its de facto leader, Dralmorrer Borngay. They agree and set off for Castle Naeryter.   Once they arrive at the castle, they are startled to see an adult black dragon perched atop its ramparts. Two men emerge from the castle, Borngay and the Red Wizard, Rath Modar. They have a quick conversation with the dragon who accuses them of not "holding up their end of the deal." He then flies off. The group comes up with a plan to infiltrate the castle. They pretend to be prisoners of Snapjaw and make their way to the castle door. Borngay interrogates them, and they are taken to the dungeon. They escape and begin making their way through the castle to confront Borngay and obtain information from Rath Modar.   They come across both wizards in a room containing a teleportation circle. A fight ensues, and Borngay and Modar are defeated. Borngay is killed and Modar is captured. While the party was fighting the wizards in the castle, the lizardfolk were fighting the bullywugs outside of the castle. When the party leaves the castle, they see the remains of a bloody battlefield. They also find Hunter Solaria, the sorcerer they met in the Greenfields. He commends them for defeating the wizards of the cult, but says he doubts they get much information of their captive.

Related Location
Mere of the Dead
Related Species
Related timelines & articles
Act I: Cult of the Dragon