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On the banks of Lake Galifar, Arcanix is a farming and fishing village, now synonymous with the Floating Towers and the Arcane Congress, and known as the finest site of magical research in Khorvaire.   Initially, the small village was known for its spellcasters. Initially home to fey-trained warlocks, the town was named Arcanix after one of the first recorded human archmagi settled there in his old age, tutoring students and the next generation of wizards. Over the generations, Arcanix became infamous for its powerful spellcasters, producing wizards through birth or training at a rate far, far higher than should exist in a rural farming town.   Over time, the continent's most talented magical talents converged, forming Khorvaire's first wizard's circle, the Arcane Order of Aureon that would go on to serve the Galifar Empire. Their spellcasters raised great towers on floating islands across the nation, and eventually formed the Arcane Congress, an organization dedicated to informing the lines of the Galifar kings on all manner of arcane knowledge, and an institute of learning for teaching the next generation.   In 896 YK, at the outbreak of war, Aundair had been known for its magical talents for hundreds of years. The University of Wynarn, the Starpeaks Observatory, and the Arcane Congress were all located within its borders. The Congress declared their support for Aundair and King Wrogar, and ordered the towers used by the Arcane Congress to be moved to a secure location away from the border with Thrane. Together, they chose Arcanix, and had the towers towed to the lakeside village. Since then, Arcanix has referred to the village, the towers, the university run by the Order of Aureon, and the research facilities housed within them.    


The village is loosely formed into a Lakeside and Towerside split, with Lakeside mostly handling shipping, fishing, and dockwork, while Towerside holds accomodation, services and transport that supports the university and towers. Pastoral fields and farming plots surround the town beyond that, and the governor's manor sits to the north.   The four towers, known as Glarehold, Amberwall, Nocturnas, and Skyreach, each float above the village. Entrance is through Glarehold, accessible by a permanent cable winched lift. Travel between the towers is usually conducted by flying mounts, artifice, or the spellcrafting of their inhabitants, and tends to be inconvenient for visitors.   The Arcane Congress devotes two of the towers, Glarehold and Amberwall, to training the next generation of magewrights and wizards. Nocturnas and Skyreach, the other two towers, are the residences, libraries, and laboratories of Arcane Congress members. From these two towers the Congress advises the Aundairian crown on magical matters.  


Cold and wet winters, humid and warm summers eased by breeze from the lake.
4000 in the town, 800 in the towers
Owning Organization


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