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House Kundarak

House Kundarak controls the coin in Khovaire, making it arguably the most powerful house in all of the land. Their services are in high demand by the rich and powerful, regional governments and, most importantly, the other twelve dragonmarked houses. Their banks are located throughout Khovaire, and those who store their riches at any of these banks can retrieve them from any other vault thanks to the system of extradimensional vaults used by the dwarves.   The Kundarak heirs bear the Mark of Warding, the only one to appear on dwarves. While House Kundarak is today synonymous with the banking industry, the House has traditionally been more focused on warding and defense, owing to its descent from the defenders of the Korunda Gate against the exiled Dwarven Clans. Owing to this ancient heritage, the House's enclaves have traditionally been built such that their entrances and interiors are protected by the defensive aura of the Vaults created using the Greater Mark of Warding just as the Korunda Gate itself was protected.    The house runs the Banking Guild, managing and defending the wealth of others, and the Warding Guild that offers security consultations and installation. If you are looking to train as a locksmith, security expert, or become a creator of protection devices, the Warding Guild is where you'll want to learn, as it is the premier organization in this field. The Golden Door is responsible for the creation of elaborate and costly security devices, such as complex locks and magic wards. The Iron Gate are the muscle, dwarven guards who supplement House Kundarak's magical wards, traps, and defenses.


The ancient clans of dwarves originated from deep beneath the ground - subterranean dwellers, the hundreds of clans eventually unified into one dwarven kingdom. The ruler of the new dwarven kingdom, Lord Kordran Mror, exiled twelve rebellious, feuding clans to the surface, and sealed the gates to the mountain using powerful magic. Before sealing the gates, the banished land clans were told they could come back once they figured out how to find their honor and stop causing trouble.   By dwarven tradition, the twelve clans deserved this punishment, but Clan Kundarak was sent with them as their wardens, waiting to open the gates and let them home if the exiled clans were willing to join back into dwarven society. Clan Kundarak were effectively banished too, punished for their responsibility and trustworthiness. For thousand years, the exiled clans kept fighting amongst themselves. During this time, the Mark of Warding manifested within Clan Kundarak, which led to even more fighting, as the remainder of the clans grew jealous over the power the mark brought them.   Salvation came in the most unlikely of forms. During their expansion, Galifar took possession of the mountains. The dwarves, without a unified front, could do nothing to stop this from happening. The twelve clans, forced to bow to a king they refused to recognize, finally found something to united them. Their pride bonded them, and they created a common culture, thereby discovering the honor they had been long searching for. The heirs of Clan Kundarak, realizing that the exiled dwarves had met the requirements to return to the dwarven lands under the mountain, opened the gates. To their horror, they found only the remnants of the mighty dwarven kingdom, as it had been laid to waste by the daelkyr.   While this must have been devastating, it also freed Clan Kundarak from their duties as wardens. Aware of the power bestowed upon them with the Mark of Warding, they set out to make their mark amongst the surface dwellers. With the aid on another House Sivis, clan Kundarak became House Kundarak. They were one of the last of the dragonmarked houses to be established (CY 106), with only House Tharashk (CY 498) and House Thuranni (CY 972) becoming established houses after them. Over the next eight centuries, House Kundarak slowly developed a reputation amongst the other races throughout Khovaire as the leaders in banking and financial security.   By the beginning of the Last War, only a few of these institutions were not under the control of House Kundarak, and it was them that the Five Nations turned to fund their war machines. During the war, the twelve dwarven clans of Mror took the opportunity throw off Karrnath's governmental control, and they declared their independence. The clans established the Iron Council, where one member of each clan held a seat, the council was the governing body for the clans. Because of the Korth Edicts put in place at the end of the war, House Kundarak is unable to hold a seat on the council. Still, they were crucial in its creation, providing the newly independent waves the financial backing they needed to free themselves from Karrnath's rule successfully, and Kundarak remain the power behind the throne in the Mror Holds.

Agriculture & Industry

The Banking Guild has hundreds of minor branches, each of which will accept deposits and holds an amount of wealth for withdrawals. But, the vast majority of the guild's wealth is stored in the Iron Vaults, created and maintained by the Greater marked heirs, all within Kundarak enclaves. As there are currently 27 Greater Kundarak who are able to create Vaults, there are currently 27 major Kundarak enclaves, more in the east. They are located in Irontown, Krona Peak, Korunda Gate and Frostmantle in the Mror Holds, Delethorn in the Eldeen Reaches, Fairhaven, Passage, and Stormhome in Aundair, Flamekeep, Thaliost and Sigilstar in Thrane, Gatherhold in the Talenta Plains, Greywall in Droaam, Korranberg and Trolanport in Zilargo, Korth and Karrlakton in Karrnath, Newthrone in Q'Barra, Cliffscrape, Tantamar and Regalport in the Principalities, Rhukaan Draal in Darguun, Sharn and Wroat in Breland, Stormhaven in Xen'drik, Taer Valaestas in Valenar, and Zarash'ak in the Shadow Marches.   Greater heirs (and all others, to a lesser extent) are shuffled around from branch to branch as new heirs are discovered or pass away. When one of the Greater Heirs passes, it is expected that either the Cliffscrape or Delethorn branch will be demoted to subsidiary branch to maintain full services elsewhere. Should a new heir be discovered first, it is expected that House Kundarak will submit proposals for a new Enclave to established in the Great Crag or in Greenheart, should the local governments finally assent to House Kundarak's presence.   The Warding Guild is more broken into many branches, each with their own specialities. The Iron Gate provides guards to supplement the security devices installed by their fellow division the Golden Door. Its member maintains a low profile and are rarely seen outside areas they're tasked with watching over. They avoid taking jobs better suited to House Deneith's Defenders Guild, but the Iron Gate does provide bodyguards for the majority of the Mror Holds' clan lords.   The Golden Door is involved in designing and installing special security devices and protocols, including doors, complex locks, and magical wards. Such services are costly, and therefore only affordable for the wealthy. As a result, much of the Golden Door's work is carried out for their House Kundarak masters, as well as for the other dragonmarked houses.   The Ghorad'din (Dwarven for "manticore's tail") is a secret paramilitary division of House Kundarak that serves the House directly as special operatives, assassins, and spies, and are specialists in dismantling security systems - especially those Kundarak have installed. The organization is very secretive in its doings, and is only rarely called into action - most outside of the house are unaware of their existence, and they prefer it that way.
Lord Morrikan d'Kundarak   Headquarters:
Korunda Gate, Mror Holds


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