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The Treaty of Thronehold

The Treaty of Thronehold is the treaty initiated by King Kaius III, signed in the former Galifaran capital of Thronehold on 11 Aryth 996 YK (now commemorated as Thronehold Day), between the surviving four of the Five Nations, formally ending the Last War. The treaty recognized the nations of Aundair, Breland, Thrane, Karrnath, the Talenta Plains, Zilargo, Q’barra, the Lhazaar Principalities, the Mror Holds, the Eldeen Reaches, Darguun Regional Governments, and Valenar. The former nation of Cyre, the renegade territory of Droaam, the wild lands of the Shadow Marches, and the Demon Waste were not represented in the Treaty. The Mournland is unclaimed. Provisions Amongst the provisions of the Treaty of Thronehold were: The emancipation of Warforged, whilst at the same time banning the creation of any new Warforged and outlawing the Cannith Creation Forges.
  Thaliost, a contested state between Aundair and Thrane was formally ceded to the latter. This hasn't helped quell the tensions between both sides.
  Certain acts were forbidden: for example, duels to the death in Aundair were outlawed.
  A multi-national military court was established for military criminals, which generally end in Dreadhold Prison. However, this tribunal has only recognition in name, since no country actually supports it.
  The boundaries of the remaining Five Nations were clearly established, according to their state at the end of the Last War: Aundair lost the Eldeen Reaches, and formally ceded Thaliost to Thrane, Karrnath ceded the Mror Holds and lost some terrain to Aundair, Breland lost parts of its vast territory to both Darguun and Droaam (even though they don't recognize the latter, and neither does any other territory), and Thrane took some minor locations as well as Thaliost, the only nation to not lose large amounts of territory. It also meant Cyre effectively ceased to be a nation, with all of its refugees either staying within Brelish lands (in New Cyre) or anywhere they could settle.


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