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The ancient capital of the kingdom of Galifar rests in the middle of Scions Sound. This island, situated between the Five Nations, contains the mighty castle from which King Galifar I and his descendants ruled the continent. A special detachment of House Deneith guards—the Throne Wardens—continues to protect Thronehold to this day, though the guards serve more as caretakers now that the kingdom no longer has a single recognized king.   The Throne Wardens maintain the castle and the island around it in anticipation of one day welcoming a new King (or Queen) of Galifar home. They have maintained their post since the death of King Jarot and the start of the Last War, though House Deneith has reduced their number to a token force over the years as other duties demanded more manpower.   King Kaius decided to hold the peace talks to end the Last War on this solemn, almost mythical island. Indeed, he was surprised at how the wardens had kept the place in good repair, and amazed that apparently none of the battle of the Last War ever touched the island. It remains a neutral place, a memory in stone of the glory that once spanned the Five Nations.


The city is split into a ward for each of the Five Nations. Farmland and a small rural area spreads beyond the city limits, and the King's Forest fills the north-eastern reaches of the island.    Each district tends to be occupied by nationals of its namesake, but certainly not exclusively. The site acts like the nations in miniature - the Karrnathi ward holding the Deneith garrison and industrial works, the Brelish ward with the best ports and markets, the Aundairans claimed the ward containing the city library and civic centre, the Thranes the temple row and best fishing ports. The Cyran ward still exists, even after the loss of its nation, and is home to a growing number of refugees alongside the best entertainment districts.   Additionally, the north-west corner of the island is fortified by Thronehold Castle, the imposing palace of the old Galifar kings and queens. House Deneith maintains a garrison there, the Throne Wardens acting as curators and protectors until someone has a true claim to the castle.


Galifar I united the Five Nations and forged a new kingdom. He realized early on that the crown could not rule from one of the existing realms. To do so would be to put one of the Five Nations above the other, and that would lead to breaks and fractures that would eventually destroy the kingdom. From the moment young Galifar stood on the banks of Scions Sound and looked upon the mysterious island that rested just out of reach of the Five Nations, he knew that the island would play an important role in the realization of his dream of unification. On this island he would build his capital Thronehold. Prior to Galifar, the island was considered to be haunted, a place of the old ways of Khorvaire. That reputation, and its location, made it the perfect place for Galifar’s purposes. The great castle Thronehold became a shining symbol of the kingdom, and the island around it developed into a wondrous showcase for the realm. It remained so until the Last War, when it became a reminder of things lost. After Jarot’s death and the rejection of the line of succession that led to the Last War, the island and castle of Thronehold were largely abandoned. A special detachment of House Deneith guards, the Throne Wardens, remained in place to protect and maintain the castle, but all government functions ceased with the collapse of the united kingdom. The town of Throneport, a support community in the shadow of the castle, mutated as the Last War progressed. It became a place for dissidents, spies, criminals, and mercenaries, and the once opulent and safe port turned into a rough-and-tumble town without law or allegiance to any single nation. This neutrality has served Throneport well; by 975 YK it had grown into a small city in which all of the nations and dragonmarked houses had at least a small presence, turning it into a hotbed of international intrigue. The Treaty of Thronehold further solidified this position, establishing the city of Throneport as a multinational province under the control of small peacekeeping forces from Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, and Thrane, with House Deneith Throne Wardens in place to make sure the terms of the treaty are honored. Today, the small city is neutral ground, but the castle and its grounds remain off limits and under the watchful protection of the wardens.


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