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The second largest city in Breland, Wroat, serves as the capital of Breland and the seat of both the royal family and the elected parliament. Wrote acts as the center of trade and commerce for Breland. Not as densely populated or as overwhelming as Sharn, Wroat nevertheless holds its own as one of the great cities of Khorvaire. King Boranel and his senior staff spend a third of the year at Brokenblade Castle. The rest of the time, the royal court can be found traveling the Brelish countryside or attending functions in distant lands (though the Citadel continues to try to convince Boranel that the benefits of such trips do not outweigh the inherent dangers).   Boranel’s court travels with the king, but it displays all of its grandeur and majesty here in the capital city. Keeping most of the traditions of ancient Galifar alive, the court conducts business, plans festivities, engages entertainment, and otherwise handles the duties of serving the crown and king. The Brelish court is known far and wide for the lavish celebrations it holds, as well as for the fair and just treatment it dispenses to its subjects.   As the nation’s capital, Wroat is a hotbed of political activity. The aristocracy and the elected members of parliament spend a lot of time here, debating the issues of the day and keeping the wheels of government turning. Diplomats from all over the world maintain lodgings and embassies in the city’s Foreign District. The crown operates out of Brokenblade Castle, where King Boranel and his family live and work for a sizable portion of the year. The heads of all the royal agencies also operate out of Wroat, where they can be close to both the king and the parliamentary leaders.   Wroat rises along both sides of the Howling River, located at the junction where that waterway meets the Dagger River. The city surrounds a man-made island that houses both Brokenblade Castle and the Citadel Tower. A massive wall encircles the city, and impressive bridges span the waterway. A lightning rail station services the city, along with well-maintained Orien trade roads and Brelish king roads. A lot of water traffic arrives from the Dagger River as well as from farms to the east. Two large temples—one dedicated to the Sovereign Host, the other to the Silver Flame— dominate the Street of Worship. Other impressive structures include Parliament Hall, the Wroat campus of Morgrave University, and the Galifar Museum.   On days when the cloud cover breaks, one can see the towers of Sharn rising in the south from the walls of Wroat or the castle parapets of Broken blade Castle and the Citadel. And to the east, the mountains of the Howling Peaks disappear into the constantly present storm clouds that crown the highest peaks.


  Brokenblade Castle: The ancestral home of the rulers of Breland, Brokenblade Castle features darkgray stone piled high to create a powerful keep and towered castle. A sturdy wall surrounds the grounds, creating a defensible position within the walled city. It is further protected and set off by being constructed atop a man-made island in the middle of the Howling River, at the place where the river widens before meeting up with the Dagger River. The castle features both living quarters for the royal family and public areas where the king and his court can conduct the business of state. The Great Hall, a massive chamber decorated in the rustic style, with open hearths, log-framed ceilings and walls, houses the king’s public throne. This massive stone-and-wood chair seems to fit Boranel like a glove, and he holds court and hears petitions while seated in it.   The Citadel: The head offices and training facilities of the King’s Citadel fill this massive obsidian tower and compound located directly across from the grounds of Brokenblade Castle. Agents of the Citadel travel throughout Breland, dispensing the King’s justice while serving as the eyes, ears, and strong right arm of the crown. Prince Kole ir’Wynarn commands the Citadel, serving as conduit between his captains and King Boranel. Five agencies operate as separate divisions within the Citadel: Swords, Shields, Wands, Dark Lanterns, and Shadows, forming the elite of Breland's military and intelligence forces.   Parliament Hall: The legislative branch of the Brelish government operates out of an historic facility on the southern shore of the Howling River. The Parliament Hall consists of two chambers and a series of surrounding offices. Each member of the Parliament and their staffs have an office in the building, but the real work of the Parliament takes place within the two meeting chambers.   The Noble Chamber provides space for the hereditary members of Parliament to meet and debate the issues before them. These are the representatives of the noble families of Breland, and all twenty-seven have a seat in Parliament. The Commons Chamber provides similar space for the legislators that are elected by popular vote. These are the representatives of villages, towns, and cities that stretch across the Brelish countryside; each serves a two-year term, but reelection is commonplace.   When the full Parliament gets together to vote on pressing matters, the wall between the two chambers is removed, creating a single large hall.   Lightning Rail Station: The lightning rail station in Wroat provides service to Sharn, Aundair, Thrane, and Zilargo. The lightning rail departs twice daily, in the afternoon and at night.
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