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Tavastian Emergency

Not to be confused with the Tavastian War   The Tavastian Emergency was a military action carried out by the United Leagues of Earth and Federal Republic of Zeta Tucanae which overthrew the government of the State of Tavastia in 2576. The intervention was carried out in response to increasing persecution of religious minorities, violence against citizens of Earth, and the nationalisation of several key industries by the Tavastian government. While the ULE initially met with overwhelming success, the aftermath of the conflict resulted in a civil war on Tavastia Prime that ultimately led to the rise of the Tavastian Entropy Cult to power, and the beginning of the Tavastian War.   In 2573, in an effort to solidify its grip on power, the Tavastian regime of Lord Protector Thresu Pulpae began violently enforcing adherance to its state pantheon. Religious minorities that had previously been tolerated, including large populations of Entropy Cultists and Apostolic Christians began facing violent persecution if they refused to offer sacrifices to the state-approved gods of Tavastia. At the same time, merchants and tourists from the United Leagues began facing increasing hostility from government officials, with some being arrested on questionable charges of espionage. Additionally, Pulpae ordered the nationalisation of assets belonging to several foreign corporations, including Ares Intersolar and the Galactic Technologies Consortium. Finally, a group of demonstrators protesting the forced sacrifices were fired upon by security forces in November of 2574, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people.   In response to these reported atrocities, the Security Council of the United leagues of Earth ordered the Outer Systems League to intervene on behalf of the citizens of Tavastia. Zeta Tucanae was temporarily elected as the leading member of the league, despite objections from Orizont, and in 2575 began preparing for an invasion of Tavastia alongside an expeditionary force from the ULE.   In December of 2575, the combined FRZT-ULE fleet entered the Tavastia system and engaged elements of the Tavastian Navy. By the beginning of February the following year, the Tavastian Navy had been defeated in several key engagements, and the bulk of its remaining ships fled the system via jump drive into Stellar Nomad territory. A task force of ULE ships attempted to hunt them down, but was ultimately unable to find them.   March saw the invasion of Tavastia Prime itself, with ULE marines landing at key military and government facilities across the planet after a series of precision orbital strikes. Lord Protector Pulpae was captured on the 19th of March as he attempted to flee to a bunker complex, and was forced to order the surrender of the Tavastian military. While some holdouts continued to fight a guerilla campaign into May, Tavastia Prime was quickly occupied by combined ULE-FRZT forces, and the process of installing a new government began.   However, the invasion of Tavastia proved unpopular in the ULE, and the government of Alona Cheruene lost the election of 2577, leading to the succeeding government hastily withdrawing forces from Tavastia per their election promises. The remaining FRZT peacekeepers struggled to support the nascent democracy on Tavastia Prime, and in early 2579, they withdrew from the planet proper, declaring their efforts to be complete despite ongoing civil conflict. While the FRZT Navy continued to police the rest of the Tavastian system, the Tavastian Entropy Cult, elements of which had previously been supported by both the FRZT and Orizont, began seizing control of much of the planet. In 2580, the elements of the Tavastian Navy that fled during the Emergency returned to the Tavastian system, alongside a flotilla of allied Entropist Nomads that they had been sojourning with. The arrival of this force came as a shock to the FRZT fleet, which complied with their demands to depart the system after a brief skirmish.   By mid-2580, the tavastian Entropy Cult had emerged victorious in the civil war on Tavastia Prime with support from the fleet, which had quickly pledged loyalty to the Cult, likely at the behest of their Nomad allies. While attempts were made by several states to normalise relations with the new tavastian government, including by Orizont, the Entropists proved to be largely closed to diplomacy. Tavastia spent the next several years preparing for a large-scale invasion of tis neighbours, which would come in the form of the Tavastian War.
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Fall of the Tavastian government and rise of the Tavastian Entropy Cult


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