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Warship Classifications

Human militaries, while varying greatly in their missions and objectives, tend to operate similar classifications of ships. These are generally based on those used by the United Leagues of Earth since the 24th Century. The smallest of these are patrol craft, which are not true warships, but rather are armed, intra-system vessels intended for policing, search-and-rescue, and short-range escort duty. They generally have a complement of four to eight crew. Logistical ships, such as tugs and fleet tenders, are ubiquitous among human militaries, but are not classified as warships.   Official warship classes are, from lowest tonnage to highest, the following:  
Corvettes are small, fast military or private security vessels intended primarily for convoy protection, minsweeping, minelaying, and interception roles. They are not intended for frontline combat roles in wartime, but can in some cases be used as screening vessels for larger ships, or as commerce raiders. They generally remain within a single star system, but some are equipped with jump drives, including specialised patrol corvettes commonly paired with patrol craft for long-range search and rescue or border security duties. Corvettes generally have a crew complement of a dozen or fewer.
Frigates are medium-sized, often multirole warships that form the backbone of most Human navies. They are commonly employed in counter-piracy and border security duties, and in wartime serve as screens for larger warships, and are sometimes used to raid enemy shipping. In addition to general-purpose frigates, there are specialised variants such as the assault frigate, which carries a large marine compliment for assaulting space stations and disabled ships. Frigates tend to have crew complements ranging from 20-40.
Destroyers are a mid-point between frigates and cruisers. They perform many of the same duties as frigates, but are closer in size to cruisers, and more capable of independent and long-range operations. Due to their increased cost compared to frigates, they are generally only employed by larger militaries. Their crew complements range from 40-100.
Cruisers are the principle capital ships used in Human navies, forming the core of larger battlegroups. They are heavily armed and armoured, intended primarily for frontline combat and force-projection. They are almost never deployed on their own, generally travelling with multiple frigates to serve as screens, and commonly with one or more fleet tenders for logistical support. Modern cruisers have crew complements ranging from 80-300.
Assault Carriers
Assault carriers are large military vessels designed primarily for planetary invasions. They carry minimal weaponry, relying on other vessels for protection. They generally carry large numbers of spaceplanes for deployment into planetary atmospheres, as well as several thousand ground personnel, many vehicles, prefabricated facilities, and other equipment. They generally have crew complements exceeding 2000, as well as up to 50,000 ground personnel.

Other Military Vessels

Arsenal Ships
Arsenal ships are, ideally, relatively inexpensive vessels capable of carrying a large armament, typically in the form of missiles. They were experimented with in the early 26th Century before the star states of the Outer Systems had fully established their navies, but were quickly abandoned by most militaries due to their lack of sufficient defence systems and excessive costs. Today, the only arsenal ships seen are improvised conversions, typicall employed by pirates. Crew complements could range anywhere from half a dozen to several hundred.
Spaceplanes are relatively small aerospace vessels designed for operations both in the vacuum of space and within planetary atmospheres. They can take the form of fighters, transports, bombers, multirole craft, or, rarely, interceptors. They are commonly remotely controlled, and some are even fully automated, as prohibitions on automated spaceships do not apply to most spaceplanes. They are most often stationed aboard assault carriers for use in planetary assaults, but some are capable of independent, or even interstellar, operations. Their crew complements range from 1-20.
Fleet Tenders
Fleet tenders are large logistical ships that accompany larger fleets. They carry necessary fuel, ammunition, and other supplies to allow fleets to operate for long periods of time without stopping at port for resupply. They are generally vulnerable, with minimal armaments or defences, and rely on their fleets for protection. They can also be used as transport ships, including to support planetary assaults or invasions. Their crew complements generally range from 50-200.


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