BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


CW: child/parent separation, painful death (implied)
Though I have no evidence that the Seers are aware of the different varieties of magic on Svene, they have the most extensive collection of texts, including complete texts about the ancient gods. Furthermore, like the planet itself, the Seers are divided into thirteen groups.
You will find your death, one way or another.
— Mistwalker saying


I mentioned the Seers have texts about the ancient gods. But they don't just have texts about them, they genuinely believe in them. Most Seers still pray to the ancient gods, and some even even name their children after them. The Seers also believe that they are descended from twelve original Seers blessed with sight by the ancient god Kellii. The Head Mistwalker Family is said to be descended from the mythical Haley who was given his position as leader by Death himself.


Most Seers live in Abova, so that's where most of the Seer communities are. They're usually difficult to get to because the Seers depend on the rough terrain around them to discourage visitors, and a lot of them only have one or two roads in or out. Sometimes, that road is made of gravel. Or on a nice, steep incline. But some of the larger cities also use illusions to deter guests. The best way to sneak in is in a delivery van. I mean, the Seers are relatively self-sustaining, but they still have stores, resaurants, and post offices.
Seers pride themselves on being an egalitarian society, and in ways, that's true. Their councils are elected officials, and men and women serve in more or less equal numbers. In fact, Seers have pretty much gotten rid of the gendered clothing that other societies have. But your likelihood of getting elected on the council, or even hired is affected by your lineage. Sure, all Seers are supposedly descended form the original 12, but some were more highly regarded than others. And being descended from someone who was known for their mistakes or someone who wasn't born a Seer is sure to get you overlooked, no matter how good you are.
Haley by Artbreeder
The ultimate governing body of all Seers is the Mistwalker Council. This is a group of twelve Mistwalkers They make rules for Seer communities, serve as the highest court among the Seers, and send other Mistwalkers on their missions. Members of the Mistwalker Council serve for life. When someone's about to die, they can pick someone to succeed them, but they still need a unanimous vote from everyone else to approve it. Ironically, the Mistwalker Council is a little more egalitarian because all Mistwalkers are considered to be adopted into the same family--Haley's, giving them more clout than anybody else.
The leader of the Mistwalker Council is the Head Mistwalker. The Head Mistwalker is the only inherited position in a Seer community, as this position is always held by someone in a direct line of descent from Haley himself. The Seers believe that his family still communicates with Death on a regular basis, and that Death granted them immortality, a gift which only Death can take away (as is done when each member cedes the position to their child.) The Head Mistwalker only ever has one child, and so this position is never fought over. The Head Mistwalker may choose to vote, as a normal council member or veto the council's decision altogether in place of their own. In the case of a tie vote, the winning vote always goes to the Head Mistwalker. And yet, despite their potential for absolute power, the Head Mistwalker usually abstains from voting or skips council meetings altogether.

Rites and Rituals

Birth Rites

Even Seers have their superstitions! Which children are born, they're usually dressed in navy blue, a color that represents Kellii, to guide her eye to them so she will bless and protect them. When family and friends visit a mother after she gives birth, she usually presents them with a gift basket as a thank you for checking up on her and the baby. This, of course, is for everyone but the second child. The second child in every family is given to the Mistwalkers. Typically, parents notify their local council during their second pregnancy. This gives time for a Mistwalker to come to collect the baby when it's born. The baby is typically given directly to the Mistwalker to be raised in one of six Mistwalker schools. The parents do not even hold their child. The a woman's first pregnancy results in twins, the second born is given to the Mistwalkers, though the family may have to care for the baby for several weeks if they have to wait for someone to arrive.
Mistwalkers are separated from their families to better prepare them for learning their gift--seeing death--and the duties they will take on as adults. Mistwalkers not only lead the Seer community, but they also seek to maintain the delicate balance of life and death. They are trained to see death before it happens, and then sent by the Mistwalker Counil to either ensure the death happens or to prevent it. This is one way that Seer communities have expanded around Svene. The separation also means that they grow up considering the other Mistwalkers their family and don't have competing alliances. Plus, since they are considered to be adopted into Haley's line, they will be given proper status and respect by the Seer community as a whole.
It may sound barbaric to you, but this practice has gone on for centuries. Maybe longer. Most Seers are used to it and have no problem handing their chldren over, never to be seen again. And most Mistwalkers don't see any need to go searching for their families in the future. But there are always exceptions. My buddy, Damian always wanted to know more about his family, and even when rogue to find them.

Naming Practices

A lot of Seers name their kids after the ancient gods or figures from folklore, especially in the Head Mistwalker Family. In fact, my friend Florine is pretty sure she's the only one who has not been given a folkloric name. As for last names, they typically give their kids whichever parent's name they think will be more advantageous. Like I said, lineage is important.
Mistwalkers are named at the Mistwalker schools. Even if a baby is born before the Mistwalkers can pick it up, the parents don't name it. The Mistwalkers don't want them getting attached. And they would just re-name the baby anyway. They tend to pick relatively common names, or at least common names in a particular area. Common names allow Mistwalkers to travel around Svene without seeming too out of place.

Coming of Age

Seers don't really have a ceremony for becoming an adult, but when a kid is twleve, they pick one of 12 Seer gifts to study:
  • seeing through walls
  • seeing the future
  • seeing the past
  • seeing far off places
  • seeing truth
  • seeing magic
  • seeing in the dark
  • seeing through others' eyes
  • seeing others' dreams
  • seeing long distance
  • seeing thoughts
  • changing what others see
Seer kids that live in a Seer community (which is most of them) start studying that gift as one of their school subjects. They also play games like Cheat Trick to practice. Theoretically, they're proficient in their gift by the time they finish school, but a lot of people keep practicing with friends who have the same gift or by apprenticing with someone. The kids who aren't living in a Seer commnuity usually learn their gift from a parent or other family member. This can limit which gifts they can learn, but at least they're less likely to get flack for which gift they picked. See, some gifts are more prestigous than others. For example, people who choose the sight gift of changing what others see tend to be more looked down upon in Seer society. Supposedly, they can't be trusted because they're always creating illusions, but they always come for help when they need to hide their cities.
Mistwalker students study in one of six schools. These schools may be located near Seer communities, but are still isolated from them and surrounded by wilderness. Ironically, though, the Mistwalkers usually see more of the outside world than other Seer kids. The schools are pretty self-sufficient, but the students take regular trips to non-magic cities because they want their students to be familiar with the world they'll be living in as adults.
Mistwalkers complete their training at 18. They spend their last month as a student in the confines of the school grounds, under a vow of silence. At the end of the month, they stand vigil, and fast the following day. Then, at midnight, they enter the wilderness surrounding the school. They are not allowed to return to the building until they have had a vision of their own death. Those who don't return usually die in the process, though if their bodies are not found, they are reported as possible rogues. After a Deathwalker has returned, they have the ability to witness the deaths of others, and are sent on missions to either to prevent these from happening to to ensure they do.
Most Seers I've met don't seem to know much about other magical communities, but according to Florine, everyone in the Head Mistwalker Family studies in a different magical commnuity. (She studied Fire Spirit magic.) This is supposed to better prepare them for taking on their duties. It also means they tend to travel a lot as children. That's probably a good thing because they travel ene more as adults.


I always think of Seers as pretty austere, but they can be pretty raucous, especially at a wedding. Seer weddings are usually pretty similar to non-Seer weddings in the area, but they always throw a big party afterward with lots of food, music, and dancing. The party kicks off with the bride and groom dancing while their hands are tied-together. While they're dancing, everybody else tries to pin money to their clothes. This is often done in place of wedding gifts. At the end of the night, one member of the couple usually carries the out on their back.

Relationship with Outsiders

Seers mostly marry other Seers, and even though they fall in love like everybody else, they often look for people with strong lineage, and might avoid dating people who don't. Marrying a non-Seer isn't directly frowned upon, but the children of non-Seers tend to be treated differently because this supposedly affects their blood ties to the original twelve. The big exception here is the Head Mistwalker, who often marries a non-Seer. Yes, it's a double-standard and people sometimes point that out, but it doesn't always help.
Marrying outsiders can also be difficult because you not only have to explain Seer magic, but also Seer culture. (Turns out that with how much magic there is in this world, that's an easy explanation, but if you really want to stick to Seer traditions, it might take some time to convince your partner to dedicate your second child to the Mistwalkers.) Still, some people do (though some also leave the community to marry.)


Just as Seers are hard to find in life, so are they in death. They tend to bury people in hard to reach areas. They might carry the body to a cave or down a narrow forest path. In some cases, they hang coffins on the sides of cliffs. I never understood this until Florine explained it was so that no one would bother the dead--either their bodies or their spirits.

Cover image: Seer Symbol by Molly Marjorie
This article has no secrets.


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