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You are here because you are descended from a long line of weightcasters stretching all the way back to Iyuth
— Welcome speech at Vallath School
Weightcasters, as their name suggests, can cause localized changes in gravity to change the weight of objects and people. They supposedly trace their own lineage to the planet of Iyuth, though I haven't met anyone who can literally trace their lineage, like Florine Shani. I've also found little evidence of weightcasting magic being practiced in ancient societies, and where I have seen it, it's dangerous and usually gets people killed. Yet, most weightcasters live full lives without being harmed by their magical abilities. So it's clear that somewhere along line, someone found a way to stabalize the magic.


Weigthcaster schools are nearly as old as Mechanical schools. Vallath, in Espene, was founded sometime in the 8th century, and functions very similarly now to how it did back then. Every year, Vallath's staff travels throughout Espene looking for children with a weightcasting aptitude and invites them to study at the school. Most of these students are the children of weightcasters, their parents usually having been Vallath students themselves. But sometimes weightcasting will skip a generation or even die out in a family line altogether. And every year there are some students found with a weightcasting aptitude whose family has never heard of the gift.
As Vallath's popularity spread, they quickly added dorms, and today, at least 95% of students are boarders. Vallath has also taken great pains to ensure that students have transportation to and from school at the start and end of term, as well as any major holidays, no matter where in the country they live. Recently, other Weightcaster schools have opened in Orica and Olica, modeled off of Vallath. Some parents still homeschool, but the vast majority of Weightcaster attend one of these three schools.

Relationship with Outsiders

Weigthcasters have a desire to keep their magic hidden, and usually live within isolated Weightcaster communities. Vallath and its counterparts are located in larger, more central communities within their respective countries. Nevertheless, all the schools, as well as the Weightcaster Council agree that someone with the aptitute for Weightcasting, regardless of their lineage, has a right to study, and a gifted outsider can quickly rise within Weightcaster ranks. Unfortunately, skill is so valued that an insider who cannot prove their skill will often be shunned, and some people leave the communities altogether. This has also created from friction between older and newer Weightcasting families.
by Onur Senay


Weightcasters have an underground organization called the Weightcaster Council, which is democratically elected. Votes are held in Weightcaster communities. Weightcasters must be at least 20 years old to vote. Seats on the council are organized geographically, to ensure that all communities are represented, and additional seats represent the schools specifically. These are almost always held by current or former faculty members. The council oversees both the communities and the schools, develops laws for keeping Weightcasting hidden, and monitors knowledge of Weightcasting by the outsider world.

Cover image: Weightcaster Symbol by Molly Marjorie
This article has no secrets.


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