Bag of Bewildering Floats

This item was a reward provided to the Owl Friends adventuring party by Tholan Ironbrew for their heroism.   Wondrous item, rare   This velvet bag is embroidered with animated patterns of clouds and stars, and it feels almost weightless. It contains 8 shimmering candies wrapped in parchment that emit a soft glow. Once all candies are consumed, the bag loses its magic and becomes a mundane item.   Properties:   Forced Levitation:
After eating a candy, the consumer levitates 4 feet above the ground involuntarily. The consumer’s movement is restricted to 10 feet per round in any horizontal direction, and they cannot control their elevation.   Duration of Levitation:
The effect of each candy lasts for 1d4 minutes. Roll a d4 upon consumption to determine the duration. The consumer has no ability to end the levitation effect prematurely without external magical intervention.   Usage:
As an action, a character can eat a candy from the bag, triggering the levitation effect. Due to the restricted mobility and involuntary nature of the levitation, users may find themselves in challenging or humorous situations.   Attunement:
This item does not require attunement, making it easily usable but unpredictable in its consequences.
Item type
Consumable, Magical


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