Veil of Shifting Shadows

This item was purchased by Anar Menel from Liora the Weaver of Whispers during the The Shadowed Bazaar on 18 Kythorn 1491 DR.   Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)   This delicate, ethereal veil is woven from threads that seem to absorb light, making it appear almost translucent. The fabric is cool to the touch and shimmers faintly with the hues of twilight.   Shifting Form Once per day while wearing the Veil of Shifting Shadows, you can use an action to blend seamlessly into your surroundings. This effect functions as the Pass without Trace spell, granting you and any creature within 30 feet of you that you choose a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks for up to one hour. Once you use this ability, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.   Attunement You must spend a short rest focusing on the veil to attune to it, binding its magic to your soul.
Item type


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