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Lake town on the western edge of Maer Dualdon at the mouth of the Shaengarne.  


Five Tavern Centre

At the heart of bremen is a yard surrounded by taverns; Stones, Even Keel, the River's Mouth, the Grumpy Moose, and the Black-Bearded Brother. The locals like to tell the story of five brothers that planned to build a tavern together but fell to argument, and built five instead, always competing with eachother.      

Town Hall

The resident seat of the town speaker.  


Legend of the Lake Since the town's earliest days, residents have told tales of a creature living in the lake; larger than any trout, it folds it way through the ice and appears only on the rarest of occasions. In winter of 1489, the lake monster was awakened by the frost druid, Ravisin; who bade him cause chaos on the lake in the Frostmaiden's name. The creature's desolation led to most fishing in the western lake coming to a standstill, until the Marked arrived in the town and finally spoke with it. The creature was concerned that Ravisin would remove its sentience were it to stop killing fishers, but the Marked promised they would bring an end to the druid, and so ended the creature's attacks. Sariel Ziloscient gave the lake monster a name and title in Common; Ron, the Great Noodle, which it took to immediately.
Dorbulgruf Shalescar
Cora Mulphoon
Grynsk Berylbore
Ron, the Great Noodle

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