Vaxa-Bakrud Alpha Station Building / Landmark in The Pelexat Galaxy | World Anvil
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Vaxa-Bakrud Alpha Station


The Vaxa-Bakrud Alpha Station is one of 2 signal relays and fuel station for ships and drones sent to Virid. While it is not used much anymore, since Teleporters became more common place, allowing for much more instantaneous travel to Virid, the station was instrumental in establishing safe conditions for the construction of the Bektep Space Station and now mainly serves as one of 2 emergency stops between Bektep and Virid.

Purpose / Function

In modern times, The Alpha Station is mostly unused. It still helps to boost signals for stellar weather warnings back to the Bektep Space Station faster and acts as a teleportation relay, but other than that, it has really only been kept in its orbit to provide an emergency fuel stop for lost ships.
Alternative Names
Alpha Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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