
Your aeon begins with these traits.
Hit Points: Equal to your maximum
Size: Large (or Huge at Level 10)
Speed: 30’
Armor: Natural, reduces bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing by 1
Attacks: Your aeon's attacks are Adept and considered magical for purposes of overcoming Damage Reduction
Damage (claw, bite, etc., depending on creature form): 2d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, depending on the form.
Fury: 30' line dealing 1d12 plus 1d12 per odd level of a damage type you select
Defenses: Dodge and Arcane Defense with a rank equal to your arcane magic rank
Ability Checks: Made at your arcane magic rank
Adamantine Hide*: Increase the Damage Reduction of your aeon's armor by 1
Burrow: Your aeon gains a burrow speed equal to its speed
Climb: Your aeon gains a climb speed equal to its speed
Fly (requires level 5): Your aeon gains a fly speed equal to its speed
Cone of Fury: Your aeon's fury becomes a 30' cone
Deadly Fury: Your aeon’s fury area is doubled
Defensive: Your aeon provides you full cover if it is between you and an opponent
Divine (requires the White Mage Caller's Calling feature): The aeon adds your Wisdom modifier to its Hit Points, damage, & spell effects
Elemental Attacks: Your aeon's attacks also deal its Fury damage type
Elemental Blood: Your aeon gainst Immunity to damage of its Fury damage type
Furious*: Once per round when making an attack, your aeon can make an additional attack
Mighty*: Increase your aeon's hit points by 100%
Swift*: Your aeon's speed is doubled
Swim: Your aeon gains a swim speed equal to its speed
Undefeatable*: Your aeon gains Damage Reduction to a Damage Type


Following is a list of aeons An-Tami the satyr caller could bind with. An-Tami is level 3 with 10 hit points.
Large magical beast
Hit Points: 10 Speed: 30 Ability Checks: Trained
Attacks: Adept Claw: 2d6 Slashing Fury: 30' line, 3d12 necrotic
Defenses: Dodge (Trained), Arcane Defense (Trained), Armor 3/3/3
Greater Traits: Adamantine x2
Large dragon
Hit Points: 20 Speed: 30 Ability Checks: Trained
Attacks: Adept Claw 2d6 slashing Fury: 60' line, 3d12 radiant
Defenses: Dodge (Trained), Arcane Defense (Trained), Armor 1/1/1
Greater Traits: Deadly Fury, Mighty
Large elemental
Hit Points: 10 Speed: 30 Ability Checks: Trained
Attacks: Adept Claw 2d6 fire & slashing Fury: 30' line, 3d12 fire
Defenses: Dodge (Trained), Arcane Defense (Trained), Armor 1/1/1, Immune to fire
Greater Traits: Elemental attacks, elemental blood
Large giant
Hit Points: 10 Speed: 30 Ability Checks: Trained
Attacks: Adept Claw: 2d6 slashing Fury: 30' cone, 3d12 cold
Defenses: Dodge (Trained), Arcane Defense (Trained), Armor 1/1/1, Immune to cold
Greater Traits: Cone of fury, elemental blood
Large celestial
Hit Points: 10 Speed: 30 Ability Checks: Trained
Attacks: Adept Sword: 2d6 slashing x3 Fury: 30' line, 3d12 slashing
Defenses: Dodge (Trained), Arcane Defense (Trained), Armor 1/1/1
Greater Traits: Furious x2


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