Appendix II: Converting from Other Systems

The Pen & Dagger RPG is designed to be both quick and forgiving to DM. With success mechanics built into your players' heroes and monster stats defined in the monster cheat sheet, adventures from just about any TTRPG system should run easily.
For details on other specific considerations, read on.
Ignore. Dole out packets as usual.
If in doubt on monster level or any other level, use the heroes' level.
Loot can be reused. Excess wealth can be absorbed by the needs of the story and introducing disasters for the heroes to address. Magic Items: Since Pen & Dagger allows for magic item conversions, if an item isn't very useful, it can be repurposed. The same is true of an overabundance of magic items. For magic items whose power seems game-breaking, make it a consumable.
The monster cheat sheet should provide all the applicable stats you need to run a monster. Note that many systems do not provide interesting forms of mobility for monsters so you may need to tack on a mobility trait or add mobility to the monster's special ability.
Ability Drain: A monster that drains a hero's ability score can have its stat reduction converted to a single rank. Thus, a shadow that might drain 1d4 Strength in another system would simply reduce a hero's strength rank to the next-lowest rank. Thus, a hero with a strength rank of Trained would be drained to Novice. A hero drained below Doomed usually dies.
Level Drain: Level drain can be converted 1:1 to Hero's Surge Drain.
Number of Attacks: Use.
Special Abilities: Monster special abilities can be fun to keep intact. The damage or hit points affected by something like a remorhaz's aura will need to be adjusted per the monster cheat sheet. Otherwise, special abilities make for great inspiration.
Speed/Movement: Use.
Since the heroes have their success levels defined, there should be little need to worry about specific targets needed to be rolled in challenges. If something is supposed to be extremely difficult, you can require a major or critical success to succeed.
Spells can be handled by converting their damage, healing, or hit points affected to the monster cheat sheet equivalent of their level. For spells that appear game-breaking, instead swap in a spell of the same level from the PHB.


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